Bug#530642: MDADM spare-group does not work

martin f krafft madduck at debian.org
Tue May 26 16:21:54 UTC 2009

also sprach Carl Hohman <chohman at timmins.ca> [2009.05.26.1735 +0200]:
> The spare-group functionality of mdadm does not work if the arrays
> are using version 1.2 metadata. This problem was originally observed
> on a CentOS 5.2 system, so I ran up a test Lenny box, only to
> discover that the same problem exists. Neil Brown seems to have a fix,
> which I have included below.

I'd rather not patch the stable version with this rather untested

Neil, this is about c7b474474c793e9a82bd0d84868fdf7367c89696. Will
you make a 2.6.10 sometime for this?

Carl, once 2.6.10 is out with the patch, I'd be happy to create
a new package and then we could backport that to stable. Would this
be acceptable?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck at d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer               http://debiansystem.info
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  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
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