Bug#534470: Using mdadm to assemble a raid array created with mdadm 1.9.0 will corrupt it making mdadm 1.9.0 to crash when trying to reassemble

Stephen Gran sgran at debian.org
Sat Nov 28 18:16:23 UTC 2009

severity 534470 important

This one time, at band camp, RUSSOTTO François-Xavier 200103 said:
> After booting a Debian 5.0.1 - Lenny install cdrom in rescue mode
> (debian-501-ia64-netinst.iso) on an Itanium 2 server with Debian 3.1 -
> Sarge (ia64) installed on a software raid 5 root partition, opening a
> console in the root partition mounted from the raid array
> (auto-assembled) corrupts the raid array, leading to a kernel panic at
> server reboot, and preventing from manual reassembly using mdadm 1.9.0
> (Sarge).

I suspect that the problem here is that the user is expecting a recovery
tool released nearly 5 years after the OS he has installed to work
without issues.

I'd suggest that if etch supports the new superblock checksum format,
this bug can be closed, as we no longer actually support sarge (in a
distribution sense - Martin, if you want to make it easier for sarge
users, that's of course entirely fine).  I've downgraded the severity
for now, as a bug that only affects sarge users does not affect the
releasability of this software in squeeze.

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran at debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |

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