Bug#598957: Want to make output of informational message depend on "--cron"?
Florian Hinzmann
fh at debian.org
Tue Dec 21 07:42:26 UTC 2010
This message did not make it to the bug tracking system. Trying
--Florian Hinzmann
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 15:47:23 +0100
From: Florian Hinzmann <mail at fhinzmann.de>
To: 598957 at bugs.debian.org, Debian mdadm maintainers <pkg-mdadm-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Subject: Want to make output of informational message depend on "--cron"?
I'd like to make a suggestion for consideration:
lists the following as a fix to make checkarray silent when
run by the default cron job:
--- a/debian/checkarray
+++ b/debian/checkarray
@@ -193,7 +193,9 @@ for array in $arrays; do
wait=$((wait - 1))
resync_pid=$(ps -ef | awk -v dev=$array 'BEGIN { pattern = "^\\[" dev "_resync]$" } $8 ~ pattern { print $2 }')
if [ -n "$resync_pid" ]; then
- echo "$PROGNAME: I: selecting $ionice I/O scheduling class for resync of $array." >&2
+ if [ $cron != 1 ]; then
+ echo "$PROGNAME: I: selecting $ionice I/O scheduling class for resync of $array." >&2
+ fi
ionice -p "$resync_pid" $arg
My own fix was this:
root at marvin:~# diff -u /usr/share/mdadm/checkarray.20101209.dist.not-quiet /usr/share/mdadm/checkarray
--- /usr/share/mdadm/checkarray.20101209.dist.not-quiet 2010-09-03 11:11:00.000000000 +0200
+++ /usr/share/mdadm/checkarray 2010-12-09 15:29:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
wait=$((wait - 1))
resync_pid=$(ps -ef | awk -v dev=$array 'BEGIN { pattern = "^\\[" dev "_resync]$" } $8 ~ pattern { print $2 }')
if [ -n "$resync_pid" ]; then
- echo "$PROGNAME: I: selecting $ionice I/O scheduling class for resync of $array." >&2
+ [ $quiet -lt 1 ] && echo "$PROGNAME: I: selecting $ionice I/O scheduling class for resync of $array." >&2
ionice -p "$resync_pid" $arg
It is my understanding that making it depend on --quiet rather than
--cron is more consistent with both other informational messages written
by checkarray and its documentation:
> [...]
> -c|--cron honour AUTOCHECK setting in /etc/default/mdadm.
> -q|--quiet suppress informational messages.
> [...]
Florian Hinzmann private: mail at fhinzmann.de
Debian: fh at debian.org
PGP Key / ID: 1024D/B4071A65
Fingerprint : F9AB 00C1 3E3A 8125 DD3F DF1C DF79 A374 B407 1A65
Florian Hinzmann private: mail at fhinzmann.de
Debian: fh at debian.org
PGP Key / ID: 1024D/B4071A65
Fingerprint : F9AB 00C1 3E3A 8125 DD3F DF1C DF79 A374 B407 1A65
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