Which packaging scheme to adopt ?

Maxime Chatelle mmyc at gmx.com
Wed Jul 13 23:37:15 UTC 2011


While topgit seem to be a good tool, it is cruelly lacking 
documentation (no manpage, just a little howto in share/doc) and is 
not widely used. Maybe using a more common packaging scheme can ease 
future team work. I think about git-buildpackage or any other tool.

I'm not against topgit, I just prefer to ask before import 3.2.2 from 

What is your opinion ?

And, if you have time, I will be happy if you can introduce mdadm 
packaging and various issues. I new in debian packaging and I don't 
clearly understand why git repo have all these branches (like "build" 

Good holidays ! :-)
Maxime Chatelle, human from earth, 010001111.cm94IGxvdmVyCg==.kpr
<mchatelle ↯ linux-france ↯ org> <mmyc ↯ gmx ↯ com>
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