Bug#621786: One Thought/Thing to Try

Arnaud Desmier arnaud.desmier at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 14 18:24:52 UTC 2011

Hi Scott,

Thanks for your answer, I've changed /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf as you 
requested and "/sbin/mdadm --assemble --scan --auto=yes --symlink=no" 
didn't crashed but exit with code 2, I don't know what it means.

Reboot is now going fine and each array is correctly mounted.


Le 10/07/2011 14:28, Scott Schaefer a écrit :
> I have spent some time attempting to duplicate this problem w/o much 
> success.
> I have duplicated your setup as closely as I can, which, unfortunately 
> is not real close:
> 1) I am running under QEMU, and
> 2) I have smaller drive; unfortunately, I don't have a spare TB drive 
> lying around :-((
> I read the thread on the QNAP site you linked to as well.
> I have one thing that should be simple to try:
> Change your /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf DEVICE line to read:
> DEVICE /dev/sd*
> Then, retry mdadm --assemble ...
> If it still fails, running under strace again may help.
> If it "succeeds", then I think there is reasonable chance this is 
> related to the mtdblock device(s).  Update the initramfs, reboot, and 
> see if the devices are normal on startup.
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