RFS: mdadm

Michael Tokarev mjt at tls.msk.ru
Sat Sep 10 09:09:33 UTC 2011

On 10.09.2011 00:51, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> [debian-mentors at l.d.o dropped]
> On 09.09.2011 12:18, martin f krafft wrote:
>> also sprach Michael Tokarev <mjt at tls.msk.ru> [2011.09.09.1006 +0200]:
>>> You included some stuff in your package which is not mentioned in the changelog - notable some very questionable mdadd.sh thing (which comes without a manpage too, but with some inline docs), and alot of documentation about various raid levels, superblock formats and whatnot.  I haven't done a review of this yet, but a good review of mdadm.sh thing is definitely needed.
>> Those are all in the current package, but as debian/patches/* files.
> How did you generate the source package with them in place?
> Also, can you please tag an sign the current squeeze release of the
> package in git - I think it is commit da26e80d60958f33b493a06438a2d172895ef1cd.
> I added a fix for #605722 into master, created maint/squeeze branch
> from da26e80d609, and cherry-picked fixes from master to maint/squeeze,
> fixing 7 bugs:

Pushed to git.d.o.  Attached is the proposed debdiff for stable-p-u, with
all the mentioned fixes/changes.

> Note the package _still_ FTBFS on wheezy/sid due to #625392, which I
> think is pointless to fix for squeeze (it builds there just fine),
> and which is fixed in upstream for a new version to be uploaded
> for unstable later.
> If that's ok with you, I'll push changes (once git.d.o is back again)
> and upload.  But I want to understand how the docs are generated,
> before I can upload.
> Thanks,
> /mjt
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