Dear Friend,

Chauvinist Apsara achauvinist at
Wed Apr 4 10:20:48 UTC 2012

Dear Friend,

      My name is Miss Apsara Chauvinist,daughter  of the Former deputy prime minister and finance minister Dr. Suchart Chauvinist who died of cancer.
In view of the recent death of my father as you can read from the Bangkok post news website confirming his death to the public and Thailand Government, and my mother being detained in the police for some family related issues,  I am very  worried over her situation, and I have  decided  to contact you to help me to move some funds to your country. As am planning to relocate to your country with me family and go into investment with you.
      My warm regards to you and your family,as I wait to read from you.Thanking you in advance and May God bless you. Please treat with utmost confidentiality and secretly.

Miss Apsara Chauvinist
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