Rart at møde dig--Nice to meet you

benedicta kassala keecee41 at indiatimes.com
Thu Apr 26 19:40:32 UTC 2012

Am miss Benedicta kassala, interesseret i dig, og ønsker at have dig som min ven, til en ven handler om respekt, beundring og kærlighed. også bestå af venskab er deling af ideer og planlægning sammen, så jeg vil have dig til at kontakte mig via min private e-mail-adresse, så jeg vil sende dig min pictures.waiting at høre fra dig.

Am miss Benedicta kassala,Interested in you, and wish to have you as my friend,for a friend is all about Respect, Admiration and love. also consist of friendship is sharing of ideas and planning together,please i want you to contact me through my private email address,so that i will send you my pictures.waiting to hear from you.

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