Bug#655212: Updated mdadd.sh (alias /usr/share/doc/mdadm/examples/newdisk.gz)

Arno van Amersfoort arnova at eld.leidenuniv.nl
Mon Jan 9 10:45:12 UTC 2012

Package: mdadm
Version: 3.1.4-1+8efb9d1

There is an updated version (1.52) of my mdadd.sh script
available (packed as /usr/share/doc/mdadm/examples/newdisk.gz in the
mdadm package). You can obtain it from

Could it please be updated in the mdadm package?


Ing. A.C.J. van Amersfoort (Arno)
Department Of Electronics (ELD, k1007)
Huygens Laboratory
Leiden University
P.O. Box 9504
Niels Bohrweg 2
2333 CA Leiden
The Netherlands
Phone : +31-(0)71-527.1894   Fax: +31-(0)71-527.5819
E-mail: a.c.j.van.amersfoort at eld.physics.leidenuniv.nl
Arno's (Linux firewall) homepage: http://rocky.eld.leidenuniv.nl

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