
Michael Tokarev mjt at tls.msk.ru
Mon Oct 14 11:21:44 UTC 2013

Control: tag -1 + patch pending

14.10.2013 14:26, Andres Freund wrote:
> Hi,
> I just hit this as well - inspecting the difference in the created
> initramfs the issue seems to be that the entire
> /lib/udev/rules.d/64-md-raid.rules has been removed. Presumably under
> the headline:
>      - removed debian-disable-udev-incr-assembly.diff
>        (do not ship udev-md-raid-assembly.rules for now)
> but that file did more:

No it didn't.  The issue is because upstream renamed (split)
one 64-md-raid.rules file (which had both incremental assembly
and /dev/disk/by-* links creation) into two files,
64-md-raid-assembly.rules and 63-md-raid-arrays.rules.
But the initramfs hook script looks for the old name,
and missing that, does not provide /dev/disk/* links.

Renaming 63-md-raid-arrays.rules to 64-md-raid.rules (the old
name) does not work because -assembly sorts wrongly with it.

And merely changing the hook script to look for different (new)
name isn't sufficient because we need to check for user overrides
in /etc/udev/rules.d/ somehow...  oh well.

I'll fix the hook script to use the new name for _now_, just to
fix the breakage this upload caused, and will try to think how
to do the transition later.



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