Bug#815834: mdadm: with systemd as PID 1, no clean way to restart the mdadm monitor

Francesco Poli invernomuto at paranoici.org
Thu Feb 25 23:41:23 UTC 2016

On Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:28:37 +0100 Francesco Poli (wintermute) wrote:

> Wait, there's /lib/systemd/system/mdmonitor.service : is
>   # systemctl restart mdmonitor.service
> or
>   # service mdmonitor restart
> the clean way I am looking for?

I tried to execute

  # service mdmonitor restart

and it seems to correctly restart the mdadm monitor process.

I wonder why there's this mdmonitor.service and mdadm.service is linked
to /dev/null (so that it is masked).
During the mdadm upgrade "invoke-rc.d mdadm stop" and "invoke-rc.d
mdadm start" are executed: they are ineffective, if systemd is PID 1.

Could mdmonitor.service be renamed as mdadm.service?

Please help me understand, in case I am completely off-track.
Thanks for your time!

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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