Bug#815834: mdadm: with systemd as PID 1, no clean way to restart the mdadm monitor

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard-newsgroups at NTLWorld.com
Tue Mar 1 21:29:44 UTC 2016

Francesco Poli:

> Please help me understand, in case I am completely off-track.

You are off-track.  This is not an mdadm bug.  There is nothing to fix 
in mdadm for this.  This is not a systemd bug.  There is nothing to fix 
in systemd for this, either.

Francesco Poli:

> Unfortunately, checkrestart does not suggest it.

This is not a checkrestart bug even.  There is nothing to fix in 
checkrestart for this ...

> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/debian-goodies.git/commit/?id=aed5839eb8511eade953b82dd80dd8c855cc4f42

  ... because it is fixed already, over a year ago.  You are using 
debian-goodies version 0.63 or earlier.  Upgrade to debian-goodies 0.64 
or later.

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