Bug#784070: Newly-created arrays don't auto-assemble - related to hostname change?
SOUBEYRAND Yann - externe
yann-externe.soubeyrand at edf.fr
Wed Nov 23 09:09:12 UTC 2016
Le mercredi 23 novembre 2016 à 13:34 +1100, neilb at suse.com a écrit :
> On Tue, Nov 22 2016, Andy Smith wrote:
> > Hi Neil,
> >
> > On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 09:56:28AM +1100, NeilBrown wrote:
> >> Thanks. Sorry this is taking a lot of back-and-forth...
> >
> > No worries. This is very interesting to me and I'd also like to know
> > what is going wrong even if I have a work-around.
> Thanks.
> I tried this on a scratch Debian VM I had lying around, and found I
> could exactly reproduce your symptoms.
> I found that, unlike on the first Debian system I looked at, there is a
> line in /lib/udev/rules.d/64-md-raid-assembly.rules
> # Disable incremental assembly to fix Debian bug #784070
> GOTO="md_inc_end"
> Remove that and the problem goes away. Arrgg...
> I wish people maintainers would *ask* upstream when they don't
> understand, rather than just breaking things.
> NeilBrown
Hi Neil,
I encourage you to have a look at the full history of this bug to see
why this line was introduced. You will then see that it has been removed
in Stretch.
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