[Pkg-mediawiki-commits] [mediawiki-math] branch upstream updated (68e1d08 -> cc4dcb1)
Kunal Mehta
legoktm-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jul 11 13:06:12 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
legoktm-guest pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository mediawiki-math.
from 68e1d08 Imported Upstream version 1.0+git20120528
new cc4dcb1 Imported Upstream version 3.0.0+git20160613
The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.csslintrc | 13 +
.gitattributes | 6 +
.gitignore | 11 +
.gitreview | 5 +
.jscsrc | 21 +
.jshintignore | 6 +
.jshintrc | 26 +
.rubocop.yml | 20 +
COPYING | 339 ++
Gemfile | 5 +
Gemfile.lock | 105 +
Gruntfile.js | 58 +
HISTORY | 11 +
Makefile | 11 +
Math.alias.noTranslate.php | 18 +
Math.alias.php | 38 +
Math.body.php | 365 --
Math.hooks.php | 380 +-
Math.i18n.php | 4663 --------------------
Math.php | 112 +-
MathDataModule.php | 36 +
MathFormatter.php | 111 +
MathInputCheck.php | 53 +
MathInputCheckRestbase.php | 94 +
MathInputCheckTexvc.php | 113 +
MathLaTeXML.php | 219 +
MathMLRdfBuilder.php | 35 +
MathMathML.php | 524 +++
MathRenderer.php | 707 +++
MathRestbaseInterface.php | 412 ++
MathSource.php | 70 +
MathTexvc.php | 481 ++
MathValidator.php | 50 +
MathWikidataHook.php | 81 +
README | 61 +
RELEASE-NOTES-3.0.0 | 15 +
Rakefile | 17 +
SpecialMathShowImage.php | 142 +
SpecialMathStatus.php | 196 +
composer.json | 15 +
db/math.db2.sql | 7 -
db/{math.sql => math.mysql.sql} | 6 +-
db/{math.pg.sql => math.postgres.sql} | 0
db/{math.sql => math.sqlite.sql} | 6 +-
db/mathlatexml.mysql.sql | 18 +
db/mathlatexml.postgres.sql | 18 +
db/mathlatexml.sqlite.sql | 18 +
db/mathoid.mysql.sql | 20 +
db/mathoid.postgres.sql | 20 +
db/mathoid.sqlite.sql | 20 +
.../mathlatexml.mathml-length-adjustment.mysql.sql | 1 +
extension.json | 238 +
gitinfo.json | 1 +
i18n/ace.json | 9 +
i18n/af.json | 23 +
i18n/aln.json | 11 +
i18n/am.json | 18 +
i18n/an.json | 23 +
i18n/ang.json | 12 +
i18n/anp.json | 9 +
i18n/ar.json | 58 +
i18n/arc.json | 9 +
i18n/ary.json | 17 +
i18n/arz.json | 25 +
i18n/as.json | 18 +
i18n/ast.json | 79 +
i18n/av.json | 9 +
i18n/avk.json | 23 +
i18n/awa.json | 10 +
i18n/az.json | 17 +
i18n/azb.json | 15 +
i18n/ba.json | 79 +
i18n/bar.json | 10 +
i18n/bcc.json | 23 +
i18n/bcl.json | 25 +
i18n/be-tarask.json | 32 +
i18n/be.json | 24 +
i18n/bg.json | 32 +
i18n/bho.json | 9 +
i18n/bjn.json | 11 +
i18n/bn.json | 74 +
i18n/bpy.json | 10 +
i18n/bqi.json | 9 +
i18n/br.json | 29 +
i18n/bs.json | 76 +
i18n/ca.json | 37 +
i18n/cdo.json | 11 +
i18n/ce.json | 42 +
i18n/ceb.json | 12 +
i18n/ch.json | 15 +
i18n/ckb.json | 22 +
i18n/co.json | 5 +
i18n/cps.json | 9 +
i18n/crh-cyrl.json | 19 +
i18n/crh-latn.json | 19 +
i18n/cs.json | 80 +
i18n/csb.json | 16 +
i18n/cu.json | 11 +
i18n/cv.json | 11 +
i18n/cy.json | 26 +
i18n/da.json | 56 +
i18n/de.json | 80 +
i18n/diq.json | 30 +
i18n/dsb.json | 28 +
i18n/dtp.json | 9 +
i18n/dz.json | 9 +
i18n/egl.json | 7 +
i18n/el.json | 27 +
i18n/eml.json | 9 +
i18n/en.json | 90 +
i18n/eo.json | 32 +
i18n/es.json | 82 +
i18n/et.json | 74 +
i18n/eu.json | 49 +
i18n/ext.json | 23 +
i18n/fa.json | 47 +
i18n/fi.json | 32 +
i18n/fo.json | 16 +
i18n/fr.json | 89 +
i18n/frc.json | 9 +
i18n/frp.json | 22 +
i18n/frr.json | 40 +
i18n/fur.json | 13 +
i18n/fy.json | 27 +
i18n/ga.json | 23 +
i18n/gag.json | 9 +
i18n/gan-hans.json | 22 +
i18n/gan-hant.json | 22 +
i18n/gd.json | 10 +
i18n/gl.json | 82 +
i18n/gn.json | 4 +
i18n/got.json | 9 +
i18n/grc.json | 23 +
i18n/gsw.json | 22 +
i18n/gu.json | 32 +
i18n/gv.json | 11 +
i18n/ha.json | 9 +
i18n/hak.json | 22 +
i18n/haw.json | 10 +
i18n/he.json | 82 +
i18n/hi.json | 48 +
i18n/hif-latn.json | 23 +
i18n/hil.json | 9 +
i18n/hr.json | 55 +
i18n/hsb.json | 25 +
i18n/ht.json | 9 +
i18n/hu-formal.json | 8 +
i18n/hu.json | 69 +
i18n/hy.json | 61 +
i18n/ia.json | 26 +
i18n/id.json | 28 +
i18n/ie.json | 8 +
i18n/ig.json | 10 +
i18n/ike-cans.json | 5 +
i18n/ike-latn.json | 5 +
i18n/ilo.json | 29 +
i18n/io.json | 14 +
i18n/is.json | 48 +
i18n/it.json | 81 +
i18n/ja.json | 70 +
i18n/jam.json | 9 +
i18n/jut.json | 10 +
i18n/jv.json | 22 +
i18n/ka.json | 55 +
i18n/kaa.json | 15 +
i18n/kab.json | 23 +
i18n/kbd-cyrl.json | 11 +
i18n/khw.json | 9 +
i18n/kiu.json | 19 +
i18n/kk-arab.json | 18 +
i18n/kk-cyrl.json | 31 +
i18n/kk-latn.json | 18 +
i18n/km.json | 31 +
i18n/kn.json | 13 +
i18n/ko.json | 67 +
i18n/koi.json | 9 +
i18n/krc.json | 25 +
i18n/ksh.json | 57 +
i18n/ku-latn.json | 21 +
i18n/kw.json | 10 +
i18n/ky.json | 4 +
i18n/la.json | 18 +
i18n/lad.json | 10 +
i18n/lb.json | 49 +
i18n/lfn.json | 10 +
i18n/lg.json | 9 +
i18n/li.json | 23 +
i18n/lij.json | 9 +
i18n/liv.json | 9 +
i18n/lki.json | 36 +
i18n/lmo.json | 13 +
i18n/lo.json | 11 +
i18n/loz.json | 10 +
i18n/lrc.json | 21 +
i18n/lt.json | 79 +
i18n/ltg.json | 9 +
i18n/lus.json | 23 +
i18n/lv.json | 28 +
i18n/lzh.json | 18 +
i18n/lzz.json | 9 +
i18n/mai.json | 11 +
i18n/mdf.json | 24 +
i18n/mg.json | 27 +
i18n/mhr.json | 13 +
i18n/min.json | 13 +
i18n/mk.json | 74 +
i18n/ml.json | 47 +
i18n/mn.json | 22 +
i18n/mo.json | 9 +
i18n/mr.json | 38 +
i18n/mrj.json | 9 +
i18n/ms.json | 40 +
i18n/mt.json | 26 +
i18n/mwl.json | 11 +
i18n/my.json | 18 +
i18n/myv.json | 18 +
i18n/mzn.json | 9 +
i18n/nah.json | 10 +
i18n/nan.json | 12 +
i18n/nap.json | 77 +
i18n/nb.json | 81 +
i18n/nds-nl.json | 30 +
i18n/nds.json | 18 +
i18n/ne.json | 23 +
i18n/new.json | 4 +
i18n/nl.json | 81 +
i18n/nn.json | 24 +
i18n/nso.json | 11 +
i18n/oc.json | 25 +
i18n/olo.json | 13 +
i18n/om.json | 9 +
i18n/or.json | 9 +
i18n/os.json | 11 +
i18n/pa.json | 17 +
i18n/pag.json | 4 +
i18n/pam.json | 24 +
i18n/pcd.json | 9 +
i18n/pdc.json | 8 +
i18n/pdt.json | 10 +
i18n/pfl.json | 9 +
i18n/pl.json | 79 +
i18n/pms.json | 25 +
i18n/pnb.json | 12 +
i18n/pnt.json | 14 +
i18n/prg.json | 22 +
i18n/ps.json | 33 +
i18n/pt-br.json | 31 +
i18n/pt.json | 56 +
i18n/qqq.json | 89 +
i18n/qu.json | 26 +
i18n/rgn.json | 9 +
i18n/rif.json | 9 +
i18n/rm.json | 23 +
i18n/rmy.json | 13 +
i18n/ro.json | 34 +
i18n/roa-tara.json | 46 +
i18n/ru.json | 82 +
i18n/rue.json | 22 +
i18n/ruq-cyrl.json | 9 +
i18n/ruq-latn.json | 9 +
i18n/sa.json | 15 +
i18n/sah.json | 23 +
i18n/sc.json | 11 +
i18n/scn.json | 25 +
i18n/sco.json | 16 +
i18n/sd.json | 9 +
i18n/sdc.json | 22 +
i18n/se.json | 12 +
i18n/sei.json | 14 +
i18n/sgs.json | 12 +
i18n/sh.json | 23 +
i18n/shi.json | 11 +
i18n/si.json | 29 +
i18n/sk.json | 26 +
i18n/sl.json | 39 +
i18n/sli.json | 20 +
i18n/sma.json | 10 +
i18n/so.json | 4 +
i18n/sq.json | 23 +
i18n/sr-ec.json | 34 +
i18n/sr-el.json | 32 +
i18n/srn.json | 13 +
i18n/stq.json | 23 +
i18n/su.json | 22 +
i18n/sv.json | 86 +
i18n/sw.json | 12 +
i18n/szl.json | 23 +
i18n/ta.json | 23 +
i18n/tcy.json | 9 +
i18n/te.json | 27 +
i18n/test.json | 7 +
i18n/tg-cyrl.json | 22 +
i18n/tg-latn.json | 22 +
i18n/th.json | 23 +
i18n/tk.json | 22 +
i18n/tl.json | 38 +
i18n/to.json | 15 +
i18n/tpi.json | 9 +
i18n/tr.json | 80 +
i18n/tt-cyrl.json | 23 +
i18n/tt-latn.json | 18 +
i18n/tyv.json | 9 +
i18n/ug-arab.json | 22 +
i18n/uk.json | 85 +
i18n/ur.json | 15 +
i18n/uz.json | 15 +
i18n/vec.json | 24 +
i18n/vep.json | 23 +
i18n/vi.json | 82 +
i18n/vmf.json | 11 +
i18n/vo.json | 22 +
i18n/vot.json | 9 +
i18n/vro.json | 21 +
i18n/wa.json | 20 +
i18n/wo.json | 15 +
i18n/wuu.json | 10 +
i18n/xal.json | 10 +
i18n/xmf.json | 9 +
i18n/yi.json | 15 +
i18n/yo.json | 13 +
i18n/yue.json | 29 +
i18n/zea.json | 19 +
i18n/zh-hans.json | 84 +
i18n/zh-hant.json | 61 +
i18n/zu.json | 5 +
images/button_math.png | Bin 0 -> 597 bytes
images/reference-nospeech.svg | 14 +
images/reference.svg | 16 +
maintenance/MathGenerateTests.php | 95 +
math/.gitignore | 10 +
math/README | 12 +-
math/lexer.mll | 9 +-
math/parser.mly | 2 +-
math/texutil.ml | 22 +-
math/texvc.ml | 9 +-
mathParserTests.txt | 158 -
mathoid/MOVED | 2 +
modules/LatinModern/GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt | 30 +
modules/LatinModern/MANIFEST-Latin-Modern-Math.txt | 60 +
modules/LatinModern/latinmodern-math.woff | Bin 0 -> 483524 bytes
modules/ext.math.css | 39 +
modules/ext.math.desktop.css | 15 +
modules/ext.math.editbutton.js | 14 +
modules/ext.math.js | 38 +
modules/ve-math/math-display-block.svg | 7 +
modules/ve-math/math-display-default.svg | 10 +
modules/ve-math/math-display-inline.svg | 10 +
modules/ve-math/math.svg | 6 +
modules/ve-math/symbols.json | 3217 ++++++++++++++
modules/ve-math/tools/makeSvgsAndCss.js | 208 +
modules/ve-math/tools/package.json | 3 +
modules/ve-math/ve.ce.MWMathNode.css | 10 +
modules/ve-math/ve.ce.MWMathNode.js | 57 +
modules/ve-math/ve.dm.MWMathNode.js | 54 +
modules/ve-math/ve.ui.MWMathContextItem.js | 63 +
modules/ve-math/ve.ui.MWMathDialog.css | 95 +
modules/ve-math/ve.ui.MWMathDialog.js | 326 ++
modules/ve-math/ve.ui.MWMathDialogTool.js | 53 +
modules/ve-math/ve.ui.MWMathIcons.css | 26 +
modules/ve-math/ve.ui.MWMathInspector.css | 10 +
modules/ve-math/ve.ui.MWMathInspector.js | 141 +
modules/ve-math/ve.ui.MWMathPage.js | 79 +
modules/ve-math/ve.ui.MWMathSymbols.css | 2557 +++++++++++
package.json | 16 +
phpcs.xml | 8 +
tests/MathCoverageTest.php | 98 +
tests/MathDatabaseTest.php | 123 +
tests/MathFormatterTest.php | 105 +
tests/MathHooksTest.php | 106 +
tests/MathIdTest.php | 23 +
tests/MathInputCheckRestbaseTest.php | 107 +
tests/MathInputCheckTest.php | 38 +
tests/MathInputCheckTexvcTest.php | 191 +
tests/MathLaTeXMLDatabaseTest.php | 115 +
tests/MathLaTeXMLTest.php | 42 +
tests/MathMLRdfBuilderTest.php | 72 +
tests/MathMathMLTest.php | 187 +
tests/MathRendererTest.php | 164 +
tests/MathRestBaseInterfaceTest.php | 88 +
tests/MathSourceTest.php | 39 +
tests/MathTexvcTest.php | 192 +
tests/MathValidatorTest.php | 71 +
tests/ParserTest.json | 1798 ++++++++
tests/browser/README.md | 1 +
tests/browser/ci.yml | 9 +
tests/browser/environments.yml | 40 +
tests/browser/features/math.feature | 8 +
.../features/step_definitions/math_steps.rb | 15 +
tests/browser/features/support/env.rb | 3 +
tests/browser/features/support/pages/edit_page.rb | 16 +
texvccheck/.gitignore | 9 +
texvccheck/Makefile | 65 +
texvccheck/README | 77 +
texvccheck/lexer.mll | 119 +
{math => texvccheck}/parser.mly | 11 +-
texvccheck/test.pl | 9 +
texvccheck/tex.mli | 48 +
texvccheck/texutil.ml | 712 +++
texvccheck/texvccheck.ml | 38 +
texvccheck/util.ml | 9 +
version | 4 +
401 files changed, 23974 insertions(+), 5380 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 .csslintrc
create mode 100644 .gitattributes
create mode 100644 .gitignore
create mode 100644 .gitreview
create mode 100644 .jscsrc
create mode 100644 .jshintignore
create mode 100644 .jshintrc
create mode 100644 .rubocop.yml
create mode 100644 COPYING
create mode 100644 Gemfile
create mode 100644 Gemfile.lock
create mode 100644 Gruntfile.js
create mode 100644 HISTORY
create mode 100644 Makefile
create mode 100644 Math.alias.noTranslate.php
create mode 100644 Math.alias.php
delete mode 100644 Math.body.php
delete mode 100644 Math.i18n.php
create mode 100644 MathDataModule.php
create mode 100644 MathFormatter.php
create mode 100644 MathInputCheck.php
create mode 100644 MathInputCheckRestbase.php
create mode 100644 MathInputCheckTexvc.php
create mode 100644 MathLaTeXML.php
create mode 100644 MathMLRdfBuilder.php
create mode 100644 MathMathML.php
create mode 100644 MathRenderer.php
create mode 100644 MathRestbaseInterface.php
create mode 100644 MathSource.php
create mode 100644 MathTexvc.php
create mode 100644 MathValidator.php
create mode 100644 MathWikidataHook.php
create mode 100644 README
create mode 100644 RELEASE-NOTES-3.0.0
create mode 100644 Rakefile
create mode 100644 SpecialMathShowImage.php
create mode 100644 SpecialMathStatus.php
create mode 100644 composer.json
delete mode 100644 db/math.db2.sql
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rename db/{math.sql => math.sqlite.sql} (77%)
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create mode 100644 db/mathlatexml.postgres.sql
create mode 100644 db/mathlatexml.sqlite.sql
create mode 100644 db/mathoid.mysql.sql
create mode 100644 db/mathoid.postgres.sql
create mode 100644 db/mathoid.sqlite.sql
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create mode 100644 i18n/lij.json
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/mediawiki-math.git
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