[Pkg-mediawiki-devel] mediawiki-toots

Romain Beauxis toots at rastageeks.org
Wed Jul 27 11:55:10 UTC 2005

Le Mercredi 27 Juillet 2005 08:35, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> I would love to see mediawiki using dbconfig-common.

Well, as for now, I feel it more convenient to use the main mediawiki 
installer that provides DB config.

In fact, the only thing that can be done during debconf would be creating the 
DB itself, providing user with questions about password and DB user that he 
would nevertheless have to fill during mediawiki's configuration.. So twice 
the work..

dbconfig-common would be really more important when releasing a second 
upstream to official debian, when it would be needed to handle some changes 
for the DB upgrade.. If the installer from mediawiki doesn't do it..



   Everyone is crying out for peace, yes
   None is crying out for justice
   I don't want no peace
   I want equal rights and justice
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