[toots@rastageeks.org: Re: [Pkg-mediawiki-devel] Crufty URL problem]
Kai Hendry
hendry at iki.fi
Fri Sep 23 04:02:20 UTC 2005
Brion Vibber shed some light on the issue. I suggest putting some of
this in the package README? Or perhaps modify the conf.d/mediawiki.conf
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From: Romain Beauxis <toots at rastageeks.org>
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To: Kai Hendry <hendry at iki.fi>
Subject: Re: [Pkg-mediawiki-devel] Crufty URL problem
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 02:10:12 +0200
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Le Vendredi 23 Septembre 2005 01:31, Kai Hendry a écrit :
> Another problem I have is the URL.
> I use Apache vhost and I just link to mediawiki like so:
> debian:501$ ls -al /srv/www/doc.soltecsoftware.com.au
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 2005-09-22 09:50
> /srv/www/doc.soltecsoftware.com.au -> /var/lib/mediawiki/
Well, you should point your webhost's root dir directly to the /var/lib stuff.
> Though the URLs look like
> http://doc.soltecsoftware.com.au/index.php/Main_Page and
> http://doc.soltecsoftware.com.au/Main_Page doesn't work. I don't think
> I've changed anything in the default install. Crufty URLs featuring an
> unnecessary "index.php" is a bug.
> Any ideas how to fix this?
First of all, this is again the normal behaviour of upstream release we are
not in relation to that.
Then you may use the apache mod_rewrite, but don't count on me for writing
a .htaccess to this right now.
This can be an optional feature in the package, so if you do one, please let
us know!
You can find a similar feature in drupal package.
BTW, please try to distinguish between MediaWiki original stuff and our
packaging stuff, and try to ask directly to the people invloved in it.
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To: Kai Hendry <hendry at iki.fi>,
MediaWiki announcements and site admin list <mediawiki-l at Wikimedia.org>
Subject: Re: [Mediawiki-l] Help:Editing and Crufty URLs
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Kai Hendry wrote:
>I have a couple of problems from a default debian mediawiki install.
>Debian packagers seem to think it is an upstream problem, so here I am
>relaying the message.
>First problem was with the missing Help:Editing page.
There is no in-wiki end-user documentation shipped with the wiki so far.
Perhaps someday there will be, but there is none now. Only a brief
paragraph is added to the main page at installation.
>And crufty URLs with "index.php".
You should never, ever put a virtual wiki directory at the web root, as
has been explained here numerous times. To summarize:
* It blocks and interferes with standard web items such as robots.txt
and favicon.ico
* It blocks and interferes with components of the wiki (scripts, CSS,
* It blocks and interferes with everything else on your entire website
* If you make special exceptions for the above it blocks out entire page
titles from being usable in your wiki.
If that doesn't discourage you and you decide to set up rewrite rules
for that, note that some people also try to eliminate the distinct
script prefix from dynamic action URLs, such as editing. You should
absolutely not do that as it has additional problems:
* No way to block dynamic addresses with robots.txt, so you will receive
much more crawler load on your server
* People doing this often disable a security protection for action=raw,
opening a serious cross-site scripting vulnerability for anyone visiting
the site in Internet Explorer.
If you just want something prettier than 'index.php', then set up a
default alias (if you're able to configure the Apache configuration) and
change $wgArticlePath in LocalSettings.php to match. The defaults in the
installer are designed primarily for compatibility.
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)
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To: Kai Hendry <hendry at iki.fi>
Subject: Re: [Mediawiki-l] Help:Editing and Crufty URLs
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Kai Hendry wrote:
>On 2005-09-22T18:03-0700 Brion Vibber wrote:
>>If you just want something prettier than 'index.php', then set up a
>>default alias (if you're able to configure the Apache configuration) and
>>change $wgArticlePath in LocalSettings.php to match. The defaults in the
>>installer are designed primarily for compatibility.
>Do you have an example of this? I like to think I am pretty with Apache,
>but I'm not sure how I should be using Alias get rid of index.php from
>showing up.
That's documented here:
More specifically here:
Note that if you chang the URL paths you'll want to clear any cached
page renderings; either do a DELETE FROM objectcache in the database or
set $wgCacheEpoch in LocalSettings.php to the current UTC timestamp (see
DefaultSettings.php for all configurable settings); or if you don't have
many pages just re-render them individually (when they are edited or if
you use ?action=purge on them individually they will be cleared and
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)
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