[Pkg-mediawiki-devel] Bug#384233: Bug Corrected
Alexander Gerasiov
gq at cs.msu.su
Mon Oct 9 08:22:45 UTC 2006
Romain Beauxis wrote:
> Hi!
> I looked at your bug while making the new package, and indeed there was a case
> I had forgotten when the file was not removed: if you did not give the root
> account as the administrative account over your wiki DB.
That's what I had AFAIR %)
> My understanding is that one can then infeer that this account is the true
> administrative account and then that the AdminSettings.php, which is
> recommend for several operations can, and ought, then to stay in place.
> Hence, I have corrected the debconf script to be sure that the correct rights
> and ownership were set and did not add Adminsettings.php removal.
> Do you agree on this solution?
Yes, this is good decision. As I can remember (may be wrong), it's used
by some of scripts (export, import etc.).
> Romain
> PS: I had CCed you on previous mails, look at the bug wab page..
=\ May be I missed it.
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