[Pkg-mediawiki-devel] Skins
Thorsten Glaser
t.glaser at tarent.de
Thu Aug 2 12:57:07 UTC 2012
On Mon, 2 Jul 2012, Daniel Friesen wrote:
> There is no reference for moving away from headelement. And for good
> reason, everyone should be moving into use of headelement. The only
> reason the option exists to not use it is backcompat. If that didn't
> matter so much with skins I would kill off all the functionality that
> makes non-headelement skins possible.
Hum, okay. I’m trying to deal with that, as you suggest, but
I’ve got a really huge stopper here. After all that, and it
didn’t work, I reduced the code and diff… until I got to this:
A page in a test wiki on a test machine. Same page. First I set
$wgDefaultSkin = 'monobook';
and get sshot49.png (colour reduced, to make this mail smaller).
Then I set
$wgDefaultSkin = 'fusionforge';
and do the following changes in the filesystem:
cd /usr/share/mediawiki/skins
cp MonoBook.deps.php FusionForge.deps.php
cp -r monobook fusionforge
sed -e 's/MonoBook/FusionForge/g' -e 's/monobook/fusionforge/g' <MonoBook.php >FusionForge.php
Then I hit Ctrl-R in the webbrowser… and get sshot50.png (same).
What piece am I missing that seems to be needed for a theme in 1.19?
Thanks in advance,
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