[Pkg-mediawiki-devel] Uploading Mediawiki 1.19.1-1

Jonathan Wiltshire jmw at debian.org
Thu Jun 14 08:18:33 UTC 2012

On 2012-06-14 08:56, Platonides wrote:
> On 14/06/12 09:29, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
>> No, it does not. Right now the package does not know in advance if
>> update.php will succeed, because the local administrator may not 
>> have
>> set $wgadmindbuser and $wgadmindbpass. I would like it to in the 
>> long
>> run, but it is not a priority at this stage. A note is shown 
>> reminding
>> the administrator to run upgrade.php manually.
> If $wgadmindbuser and $wgadmindbpass are not set, it will fall back 
> to
> $wgDBuser.
> A few users may have configured a user with restricted permissions* 
> and
> not set $wgAdminUser, but doesn't seem worth not performing the 
> change
> due to them, compared to the benefit for the other 98% of users.
> * The normal user needs UPDATE and DELETE privileges anyway, so 
> there's
> not much chance to restrict the mediawiki db user...

For Debian users upgrading from Squeeze, update.php will fail by 
default. I am not making any structural changes that we don't need to 
for the purpose of getting a new upstream in Wheezy; it can come later 
if we find a reliable way around the problem.

Jonathan Wiltshire                                      jmw at debian.org
Debian Developer                         http://people.debian.org/~jmw

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