[Pkg-mediawiki-devel] [MediaWiki-distributors] licence issues with mediawiki includes/libs/ files (was Re: mediawiki_1.19.7+dfsg-1.1_amd64.changes REJECTED)

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Wed Aug 7 12:48:13 UTC 2013

On Wed, 7 Aug 2013, Platonides wrote:

> > Right. Tim Starling, you claim copyright on that file. Can you
> > please confirm which DFSG-free Open Source™ licence(s) we can
> > use and distribute that file under?

> Code by Tim Starling is available under any OSI license:
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Tim_Starling
> As he is the main author of IEContentAnalyzer.php and IEUrlExtension.php that
> should clear their issue.

Indeed, that will, and that removes the release-criticalness
of this issue and reduces it into a documentation issue.

> > IEUrlExtension.php does not have any licence at all. Is it safe
> > to assume it’s GPLv2+ as “all of the rest of MediaWiki”?

> Yes, it is safe to assume that the code would be GPLv2+ just as the rest of
> mediawiki.

Thanks. Then all we need is to document these special cases
in debian/copyright.

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