[Pkg-mediawiki-devel] [Pkg-mediawiki-commits] r514
Thorsten Glaser
t.glaser at tarent.de
Fri Feb 7 14:44:07 UTC 2014
Hi again,
the packages work for me. I’ve attached the actual debdiffs
this generated, minus stuff outside of debian/ for src:mediawiki.
In src:mediawiki-extensions, a committed but not uploaded changelog
fix snuck in. I can revert that, should that be needed.
Please tell me what else needs to be done, or if I can just dput
this (and, if so, where to, just the default ftp-master?).
tarent solutions GmbH
Rochusstraße 2-4, D-53123 Bonn • http://www.tarent.de/
Tel: +49 228 54881-393 • Fax: +49 228 54881-235
HRB 5168 (AG Bonn) • USt-ID (VAT): DE122264941
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Stefan Barth, Kai Ebenrett, Boris Esser, Alexander Steeg
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