[Pkg-meego-maintainers] Hello MeeGo

Didier 'OdyX' Raboud didier at raboud.com
Thu Sep 16 14:00:55 UTC 2010

Le jeudi 16 septembre 2010 15:42:18 Julian Andres Klode, vous avez écrit :
> One thing about sources: Should we package the tarballs contained in
> upstreams SRPMS or should we base our work on the git repositories (or
> both)? That is, should our upstream branches contain upstream's git
> branch?

As upstreams seems to "sanely" tag their releases, I am inclined to have a git 
layout with branches as:
	upstream => upstream's git
	master => time-to-time merging of specific tags + debian packaging
	pristine-tar => when targetting a specific upstream tag, putting here the
		pristine-tar "diff" in order to get reproducible tarballs

One only issue I see is that upstream's git ship a debian/ directory that might 
diverge from our packaging.
So another possibility would be:
	upstream => upstream's git
	upstream-stripped => upstream - their debian/ directory
	master => time-to-time merging from upstream-stripped of specific tags + our
		debian packaging
	pristine-tar as above.

> > I plan to start packaging the meegotouch framework, beginning by
> > libmeegotouch then heading onto other bricks. I intend to put those
> > packages under the pkg- meego umbrella, in git with a workflow similar
> > as pkg-qt-kde guidelines [1].
> The guidelines looks sane.

They basically sum up as "don't commit with the changelog entry + use git-dch 
when releasing".

> > Do you think ITPs about that would be well perceived in these Frozen days
> > or should I/we wait until testing=Wheezy opens ?
> I wanted to wait until after the release, to not distract people from
> working on the release.

Then what about a single "dummy" ITP to -devel mentioning "Work has somehow 
started on Meego packages; if you want to help, please speak in pkg-meego-
maintainers". This would play the "avoid-duplication" role of the ITP while 
still avoiding the flood of ITPs to debian-devel.

> > Cheers, and looking forward for collaboration,
> On a side note, if we want a website, we could maintain it in
> http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-meego/pkg-meego.git directly (or use it for
> other stuff) - this repository was setup automatically during project
> registration.

Yeah, saw it. I'm unfortunately no "documentation" guy; I have hard time 
maintaining websites. :-)



Didier Raboud, proud Debian Maintainer (DM).
CH-1020 Renens
didier at raboud.com
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