Packaging 6.5.1 for powerpc

Étienne Bersac bersace03 at
Mon May 8 14:46:32 UTC 2006


> And you've already asked the people responsible for those packages? ;)

I asked. But they seems to be clueless of the mesa debianisation.

> Aren't there SiS graphics cards that could work in a PPC
> machine?

See the code of sis driver : there is some #ifdef (I386 || AMD64) #else
#error etc. sis won't compile on powerpc.

> Anyway, configs/debian-dri-powerpc doesn't contain the sis driver, so I
> suspect you should compare the debian/ and configs/ directories between
> these packages and what's currently in Debian.

configs for debian powerpc are the same. i already diff debian and
configs and nothing where noticeable.

I'm just wondering if rules choose too build i386 instead of powerpc.
But i don't understand that rules.

Any help about how rules choose target are welcome. That should be great
to comment this rules.



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