Packaging 6.5.1 for powerpc

Marcelo E. Magallon mmagallo at
Mon May 15 02:32:08 UTC 2006

On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 04:12:59PM +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:

 > Anyway, configs/debian-dri-powerpc doesn't contain the sis driver, so
 > I suspect you should compare the debian/ and configs/ directories
 > between these packages and what's currently in Debian.

 configs/debian-dri-powerpc is *ONLY* for building the powerpc-optimized
 version of the library.  The regular library, which is shipped with
 every architecture, is built from configs/debian-dri.

 I obviously have to hack something that takes into account this other
 aspect of architecture dependency in Mesa.  The build system is written
 under the (false) assumption that the architecture-specific configs
 only deal with optimizations.

 In other words:

 $ make linux-dri

 in the regular Mesa tree will fail on PowerPC.

 From my POV this means that someone upstream messed/mixed things really
 bad.  Is this someone you Michel? :-)

 I'm working on a fix for Debian, but I'm not sure if this will even be
 applicable upstream.  I DID WRITE proper autoconf support for Mesa
 once, you know?


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