Bug#391691: Nexuiz description mentions nothing about being a GPLed game based on enhanced quake1 engine.

Bruno Kleinert fuddl at gmx.de
Wed Oct 11 20:29:37 UTC 2006

oh noooo! i mixed up bug #'s!! i hope it's fixed back to normal...

to answer the "original" bug report:

this isn't a good package discription, as it tells of other packages
(darkplaces) and a commercial game (quake 1), which has nothing to do
with the content of the nexuiz package!

just imagine a system administrator, thinking about installing the
nexuiz package or not - the package discription has to state a clear
point, what's in this package and shouldn't confuse users.

and there's absolutely no need, to mention the gpl'ed contents, as
nexuiz is in debian 'main'.

sure, i've got to admit that the current discription (in nexuiz-2.0-x)
isn't the best one! i tried to improve it and hope, it'll give a better
statement in the 2.1-1 package!

cheers - fuddl

Among elephants it's not considered cool nor in any good taste
to drain other elephants

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