Bug#357439: amaya crashes with GDK error traced to this component
Steve Langasek
vorlon at debian.org
Thu Sep 14 09:15:07 UTC 2006
reassign 357439 amaya
found 357439 9.51-2.1
Ok, reassigning this bug back up the dependency chain. I've tested around
with other apps that call glXMakeCurrent(), which is a relatively small
number, and they do work; while libgl1-mesa-glx should probably handle bad
arguments better than it does, it does appear that the root problem is that
it's *getting* bad arguments, since glXMakeCurrent works fine in other apps
-- specifically in inventor-clients (SceneViewer), blender, antennavis, and
I've also tested the only other app I could find that uses wxWidgets' OpenGL
support, robotour, and it also doesn't fail in indirect rendering mode.
So I don't see that this is an RC bug in any of the libs, only in amaya
itself as the package that's managing to trip the behavior that no other
packages are triggering.
Also, amaya segfaults for me consistently after spitting out a bunch of
errors about /usr/X11R6/lib/amaya/resources/xrc/, *except* when running
under gdb. No idea what that's about...
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon at debian.org http://www.debian.org/
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