[Pkg-mono-devel] Other Mono Documentation, and Muine
Alvaro del Castillo
Sat, 17 Apr 2004 11:26:52 +0000
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El mi=E9, 14-04-2004 a las 19:08, Link Dupont escribi=F3:
> On Wed, 2004-04-14 at 18:43 +0100, Darren Adams wrote:
> > Also, I notice that versions of Muine >=3D 0.5.3 can also use gstreamer
> > 0.8 rather than xine. Are there plans to compile Muine against gstreame=
> > 0.8 now that it's available through pkg-gnome.alioth, or are you waitin=
> > for gstreamer 0.8 to enter unstable first?
> Nope. I've no plan to compile muine against gstreamer 0.8, unless I get
> a really high demand for it. I've discussed this with Jorn, and he said
> the xine backend is much more stable and reliable. If for some reason
> you've got something against xine, I'm open for a proposal to provide a
> muine-gst package, which is linked against gstreamer 0.8. Even then, I
> couldn't upload it into the main archive until gstreamer 0.8 gets in,
> and IIRC its waiting in NEW. I'll continue to discuss this with Jorn, as
> new versions of Muine come out, and see if he recommends using gstreamer
> as the default backend. But for now, xine's the default, and thats what
> I use.
I think the main issue here is the same as totem has: gstreamer is the
GNOME multimedia platform so if you want to follow GNOME platform,
gstreamer is the path to follow. Currently xine backend works better
also in totem, but for GNOME 2.8 it is possible that totem gets into
GNOME Desktop and for that, totem will need to work smooth with
gstreamer backend.
I don't know plans for Muine about its integration in GNOME so ...
About actual muine package, it doesn't work. I have report some bug to
the package and I think Link is working on them. Yesterday monodoc
finally start to work in unstable.
Link, now I can rebuild the package muine from sources and start using
it. So yes
is closed!
-- Alvaro
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