[Pkg-mono-devel] Installing Mono on Debian
Paolo Molaro
Wed, 4 Aug 2004 13:01:40 +0200
On 08/03/04 Eduard Bloch wrote:
> You use Testing. Testing sucks by-design; if you wish the latest
> versions, use Sid. Though, we will have to remove 0.30 from Sarge too
> since it is not acceptable (old, unsupported) and 1.0 is not acceptable
> either (ugly RC bugs).
$ cat >mint-crash.cs
using System;
public class IsDigitSample {
public static void Main() {
char ch = '8';
lupus@pollo:/home/opt/ximian/mono/mono$ mcs mint-crash.cs
Compilation succeeded
$ ./interpreter/mint mint-crash.exe
So this works for me (note I'm not using the debian package, though,
just mono from cvs HEAD of the mono-1-0 branch).
It would be nice if you forwarded upstream bugs, especially if they
would prevent mono from entering sarge (mono 1.0.1 should be released in
That said, I'll repeat what I said many months ago: including mint where
the jit is available is idiotic and it should not be considered
release-critical or grave bug at all. If there is a grave bug that
prevents mint from working, the sane thing to do is to drop mint as a
package. Repeat after me: mint should not be used.
The comment:
Thanks, reproducible. I very good example where Mono is not mature
enough for production environment.
explains clearly that you don't understand that mint is not supposed to
and will never be suitable for a production environment: it's just a
porting aid. Use the jit. Mint would make sense to use only on arm and
hppa, but if having a mint package means RC bugs, please just drop the
mint package and provide mono only on x86, ppc and sparc (s390 if you're
willing to take the changes from mono head).
I can't get the details of the other grave bug now, but it can likely be
considered important, not grave.
Has a patch.
The bugs related to ia64, amd64 and m68k are trivial bugs in the
packaging: mono has not been ported to those architectures (in 1.0), so
the packages should be simply not be built there.
So I think there is no actual reason for not having mono 1.0.x in sarge.
lupus@debian.org debian/rules
lupus@ximian.com Monkeys do it better