[Pkg-mono-devel] libapache2-mod-mono
Pablo Fischer
Fri, 06 Aug 2004 10:06:49 -0500
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> If I understand things correctly, the current scheme allows a user with
> root privileges to place files in the /etc/mono-server/conf.d directory
> structure, and then run mono-server-admin.conf to generate /etc/mono-
> server/mono-server-hosts.conf, which is then read by mod_mono to
> determine which ASP.NET applications are available. Am I right?
> This seems quite complicated. It solves the problem only for web servers
> where the server administrator has resources to update the configuration
> structure every time a user wants to add an ASP.NET app, or when the
> user has access to the configuration structure. Perhaps if we solved the
> problem in a more general way, without requiring so high privileges, it
> would be less complicated and more user-friendly?
Could be, but I'm not happy with this, mod_mono is for *production*
servers, so, if you have a production server is obvious to setup high
privileges, imagine that any user can setup an alias?.=20
If a 'mortal' user wants to work with his ASP.NET app he can use xsp and
run it in a different port, like monodoc-http.
I'm using this 'scheme' of .conf file to work xsp/mod-mono packages in a
different directory and give the user (well... root) a 'nice' way to
setup his ASP.NET apps, you are free of using mono-server-update.conf or
> Pablo, I'm looking at the xsp package now and I'll probably submit a
> patch against that as well. Let's get free ASP.NET into shape! ;)
I'd preffer the same schema for apache2 :-), if www-config does not
works with apache2, why not a symlink?
/etc/apache/conf.d/mono.conf -> /etc/mono-server/mono-server-hosts.conf
See ya
Pablo Fischer Sandoval (pablo [arroba/at] pablo.com.mx)
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