[Pkg-mono-devel] Unable to run SWF applications
Wed, 18 Aug 2004 21:18:31 +0200
I'm unable to run even simple SWF applications. mono complains about a
missing "/usr/lib/winelib.exe.so", but the library is there:
kronos:~$ ls -l /usr/lib/winelib.exe.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 2004-08-09 16:50 /usr/lib/winelib.exe.so -> wine/winelib.exe.so
kronos:~$ dpkg -S /usr/lib/winelib.exe.so
libwine-cil: /usr/lib/winelib.exe.so
This is simple test:
kronos:/tmp$ cat test_swf.cs
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SWFTest {
public class MyForm: Form {
public MyForm() {
public static void Main() {
Application.Run(new MyForm());
And this is the output of swf_invoke (with -v added):
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_thread_get_pending_exception () emitted at 0x4150c000 to 0x4150c049 [test_swf.exe]
Method (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_void_string (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) emitted at 0x4150c050 to 0x4150c0ca [test_swf.exe]
Method System.OutOfMemoryException:.ctor (string) emitted at 0x4150c0d0 to 0x4150c0f7 [test_swf.exe]
Method System.SystemException:.ctor (string) emitted at 0x4150c0f8 to 0x4150c11f [test_swf.exe]
Method System.Exception:.ctor (string) emitted at 0x4150c120 to 0x4150c181 [test_swf.exe]
Method System.Object:.ctor () emitted at 0x4150c188 to 0x4150c18d [test_swf.exe]
Method System.MonoType:get_FullName () emitted at 0x4150c190 to 0x4150c1aa [test_swf.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.MonoType:getFullName () emitted at 0x4150c1b0 to 0x4150c200 [test_swf.exe]
Method System.Exception:set_HResult (int) emitted at 0x4150c208 to 0x4150c216 [test_swf.exe]
Method System.NullReferenceException:.ctor (string) emitted at 0x4150c218 to 0x4150c23f [test_swf.exe]
Method System.StackOverflowException:.ctor (string) emitted at 0x4150c240 to 0x4150c253 [test_swf.exe]
Method (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_void_Assembly (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) emitted at 0x4150c258 to 0x4150c2d2 [test_swf.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_object_new_fast (intptr) emitted at 0x4150c2d8 to 0x4150c328 [test_swf.exe]
Method System.AppDomain:DoAssemblyLoad (System.Reflection.Assembly) emitted at 0x4150c330 to 0x4150c39d [test_swf.exe]
Method System.MulticastDelegate:op_Equality (System.MulticastDelegate,System.MulticastDelegate) emitted at 0x4150c3a0 to 0x4150c3d3 [test_swf.exe]
Method (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) emitted at 0x4150c3d8 to 0x4150c447 [test_swf.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_object_new_specific (intptr) emitted at 0x4150c448 to 0x4150c498 [test_swf.exe]
Method SWFTest.MyForm:Main () emitted at 0x4150c4a0 to 0x4150c4ce [test_swf.exe]
Method (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_ldftn (intptr) emitted at 0x4150c4d0 to 0x4150c524 [test_swf.exe]
Method (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) SWFTest.MyForm:.ctor () emitted at 0x4150c528 to 0x4150c582 [test_swf.exe]
Method SWFTest.MyForm:.ctor () emitted at 0x4150c588 to 0x4150c598 [test_swf.exe]
Method System.Windows.Forms.Form:.ctor () emitted at 0x4150c5a0 to 0x4150c693 [test_swf.exe]
Method System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl:.ctor () emitted at 0x4150c698 to 0x4150c6f1 [test_swf.exe]
Method System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl:.ctor () emitted at 0x4150c6f8 to 0x4150c774 [test_swf.exe]
Method System.Windows.Forms.Control:.ctor () emitted at 0x4150c778 to 0x4150cb7b [test_swf.exe]
Method (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) emitted at 0x4150cb80 to 0x4150cbef [test_swf.exe]
fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we need to add support for it ?
fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we need to add support for it ?
fixme:reg:_nt_dump_lf unknown Win XP node id 0x686c: do we need to add support for it ?
wine: cannot find '/usr/lib/winelib.exe.so'
Any clue of what's going on?
Home: http://kronoz.cjb.net
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