[Pkg-mono-devel] [DRAFT] 0.30 roadmap
Andre Filipe de Assuncao e Brito
Fri, 6 Feb 2004 13:45:05 -0200
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Hi people
Someone is trying to package monodoc or libgdiplus???
I can do this work! There's some debian/rules
And you can register-me to the pkg-mono project?
My user at alioth is "decko-guest"
On Thu, 5 Feb 2004 12:16:52 +0100
Eduard Bloch <blade@debian.org> wrote:
> Hello people,
> as many may have noticed, there is another Mono version out of the door
> and we still don't have it in Debian. With the usual questions: Why does
> this happen? What are our plans?
> First, not-so-good-news:
> - I am busy in the next weeks!
> - The 0.30 release no longer contains libgdiplus. Instead, it is a
> separated package now. And it depends on libcairo, which is packaged
> by Dave Beckett but not uploaded to Debian yet. This new packages
> would cause another delay for 0.30 in Debian.
> Needed: volunteer to package libgdiplus separatedly.
> So the plan:
> - release the last mono 0.29 debs (and only mono!) to fix the urgent bugs.
> - branch it to "0.29-series" in svn
> - update trunk to 0.30
> - make mono-assemblies-base be a empty package for now
> - upload 0.30 to experimental. It won't have working System.Drawing
> classes but gtk-sharp does not need it AFAICS.
> - upload new lib packages to the NEW queue
> - wait some weeks till the new packages are accepted, then upload 0.30
> for Sid
> Parallel development:
> - finish libapache-mod-mono
> - finish monodoc
> Questions? Objections? Additions? Tell us.
> Eduard.
Andre Filipe de Assuncao e Brito
decko em #debian-br @ irc.debian.org
ICQ#45427385 / JabberID: decko@jabbet.at
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