[Pkg-mono-devel] What mono-hostmanager is
Eduard Bloch
Sun, 29 Feb 2004 11:36:34 +0100
#include <hallo.h>
* Pablo Fischer [Sun, Feb 22 2004, 03:15:31PM]:
> I also talked with Gonzalo (the main developer of xps and
> mod-mono-server) and he told me that it (the idea and script) will be
> available in the future, and the file will be mod-mono-server.conf
> (google can give and idea of the file), but today we need to write ALL
> the hosts in the command line.
Hm, Google:Your search - mod-mono-server.conf - did not match any documents.
> That is the reason of why I wrote mono-hostmanager.
> Before the 'new concept' of mono-hostmanger I was working with a stupid
> file in bash, that takes values from a virtual.conf in the format:
This stupid file can be created from a bunch of snippets on the fly.
> I also wrote it cause I don't need that there will be just one host
> package (asp.net-examples) in all the live of the Debian Mono Packages,
> if somebody thinks it... no comments.
And I still think that it is bloat. A simple config-building script like
that used by exim4-config would solve the problem without adding a new
package. It could be simply:
/etc/mono-mono-server.d/FILENAME with files like 10_asp.net-examples,
20_monodoc-http_root, etc., then a "cat * > /etc/mono-mono-server.conf"
merges all them to a config file which is read by the init script.
- no overhead, no extra tools needed
- no normal-human-readable formats (XML is IMO crap for editable config files)
- ??
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