[Pkg-mono-devel] mono.pc and pkg-config

P Oscar Boykin boykin@pobox.com
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:47:49 -0700

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That was my problem: I did not have libmono-dev installed (woops!

I had not previously seen apt-file though.  Thanks for the heads up on
that tool!


On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 07:37:01PM +0200, Mirco Bauer wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 18:01, P Oscar Boykin wrote:
> > It seems like in order to build a recent CVS of NAnt, it relies on
> > pkg-config.  There is a pkg-config file for monodoc, but none of mono in
> > the Debian distribution of mono.
> >=20
> > There is a mono.pc file included in other mono packages, for instance:
> > http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/6/idpl/1314000
> >=20
> > Is there some reason why that is not included in the debian package?
> he? it is....
> meebey@redbull:~$ apt-file search mono.pc
> libmono-dev: usr/lib/pkgconfig/mono.pc
> just ask apt-file :)
> apt-file knows better than everyone :-P
> > Best,
> > POB
> Mirco Bauer

boykin@pobox.com    http://pobox.com/~boykin    jabber: johnynek@jabber.org
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