[Pkg-mono-devel] mod_mono + Apache2

Pablo Fischer pablo@pablo.com.mx
Tue, 04 May 2004 12:08:26 -0500

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Well, maybe you can start helping me with a 'question' that I have.

In the new mod_mono version (0.8) there are some mod_mono apache
directives (MonoApplication, MonoSocketFile) that are needed in
mono.conf (/etc/apache*/conf.d) to start the applications (asp.net
applications) and also, the Directory Directives to give 'other' options
to that directories (where asp.net applications are).

I don't know if you used the last libapache-mod-mono version (only for
apache 1.3), but in the last version (0.7) these directives were working
in mod-mono-server.. a 'wrapper' (if you want to call it like this) that
was being used as a 'transport' between mod_mono and the socket
(/tmp/mod_mono_socket), so only option to start the applications were
adding the Directories to mono.conf (apache) and running the
applications from /etc/mono-server/ (like exim does), so a file inside
/etc/mono-server was keeping all the necesary information to start the
application. Now the new version of mod_mono.. this doesn't works, cause
you declare all these options in mono.conf and mod_mono will start
mod-mono-server at the moment apache starts and give it all the options
that are in mono.conf.

How I was keeping the 'applications' in /etc/mono-server was with two
scripts: an update thingie (that was creating a 'big file' for
mod-mono-server with all the past applications and new ones), and a
reader (that prints the application line -needed by mod-mono-server-
from the 'big file' -/etc/mono-server/mono-server-hosts.conf-).

The problem? Yes, I have three options now:

a) Let the user fight by himself with the mono.conf and all the
applications that are inside it, maybe I can write the minimal
information (general options).
b) Don't let the user touch the mono.conf, doing this the user will have
a complete and easy to use mono.conf, cause I will be using the last
/etc/mono-server (exim style) with the difference that the update script
will be writing the complete mono.conf file instead of
/etc/mono-server/mono-server-hosts.conf.. BUT removing the old file if
it's needed (with md5sum).
c) Let the user and let update scripts work at the same time: With this
the user can configure the mono.conf file also as the update script, the
difference that the update script will need a 'special tag' inside it,
like #MONO_DEBIAN_CONFIGURATION# that the update script will be writing
in it. I think this is great, the problem is that I need to write the
MonoApplication (my part.. the /etc/mono-server applications), so..
writing a new one, will replace the old one (the one that the user

I'll hope that Zomb/mrdata/teo read this post as many mod_mono users
(this problem is for apache2 and apache 1.3)..


El mar, 04-05-2004 a las 10:43, Fabian Fagerholm escribi=F3:
> On Tue, 2004-05-04 at 19:22, Pablo Fischer wrote:
> > Hi!
> >=20
> > Well, today I'm only packaging to apache 1.3, however many people has
> > asked to have a libapache2-mod-mono (apache 2), and I'm gonna do it, I
> > only need time, I'm finishing the semester at school (in exactly 2
> > weeks), so.. if you can wait, you will have your package with apache 2
> > :-).
> That's great news! By coincidence, my semester will end at the same time
> :) I have experience with Apache 2 and Debian packaging, so if you want
> to assign (read: get rid of :) some well-defined task then I'll be happy
> to help.
> Cheers,
Pablo Fischer Sandoval (pablo [arroba/at] pablo.com.mx)
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