[Pkg-mono-devel] mod-mono and xsp (Version: 1.0.2) [patch]

Tomasz Rybak bogomips@post.pl
Wed, 13 Oct 2004 10:39:02 +0200

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W li¶cie z ¶ro, 13-10-2004, godz. 01:06, Pablo Fischer pisze: 
> Hi!
> I've uploaded the 1.0.2 packages to my repo, if no bugs are found until
> thursday night I'll tag it and tell a DD to upload it :-).

Thanks. I found error in 
libapache2-mod-mono: /etc/apache2/mods-available/mod_mono.load

barad-dur:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Restarting web server: Apache2[Wed Oct 13 10:25:24 2004] [warn] module
dav_fs_module is already loaded, skipping
Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mod_mono.load:
Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libmod_mono.so into server:
/usr/lib/apache2/modules/libmod_mono.so: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory

There is line 
LoadModule mono_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libmod_mono.so
but in /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ there is no libmod_mono.so; 
file's name is mod_mono.so. After changing name everything works.

I also attach patch (from svn diff; repository version 1447) removing 
web.config from debian/, and leaving web.config from upstream.
web.config from debian/ was outdated - modules AcceptEncoding, gzip, 
BasicAuthentication has changed their namespaces, and debian's
web.config was from version 0.9. If there'll be need to change something
in web.config, we'll always be able to add new file, or add patch to 
directory debian/patches.


Tomasz Rybak <bogomips@post.pl>

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Index: web.config
--- web.config	(revision 1447)
+++ web.config	(working copy)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <configSections>
-	    <sectionGroup name="mono.aspnet">
-		<section name="acceptEncoding" type="Mono.Http.AcceptEncodingSectionHandler, Mono.Http"/>
-	    </sectionGroup>
-    </configSections>
-    <system.web>
-        <customErrors mode="Off"/>
-	<webServices>
-		<soapExtensionTypes>
-			<add type="DumpExtension, extensions" priority="0" group="0" />
-			<add type="EncryptExtension, extensions" priority="1" group="0" />
-		</soapExtensionTypes>
-	</webServices>
-	<authentication mode= "Forms">
-	</authentication>
-    	<!--httpModules>
-            <add name="AcceptEncodingModule" type="Mono.Http.AcceptEncodingModule, Mono.Http"/>
-	</httpModules-->
-    </system.web>
-    <mono.aspnet>
-        <acceptEncoding>
-	    <!-- Change disabled to 'no' to enable gzip content encoding -->
-	    <add encoding="gzip" type="Mono.Http.GZipWriteFilter, Mono.Http" disabled="no" />
-	</acceptEncoding>
-    </mono.aspnet>
-    <appSettings>
-	<add key="MonoServerDefaultIndexFiles"
-	     value="index.aspx, Default.aspx, default.aspx, index.html, index.htm" />
-	<add key="DBProviderAssembly"
-	     value="Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient"/>
-	<add key="DBConnectionType"
-	     value="Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient.PgSqlConnection"/>
-	<add key="DBConnectionString"
-	     value="hostaddr=;user=monotest;password=monotest;dbname=monotest"/>
-    </appSettings>
Index: rules
--- rules	(revision 1447)
+++ rules	(working copy)
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@
 	cd test && cp ServiceClient.exe *.aspx *.ascx *.asmx *.ashx *.config *.asax *.xml *.png *.inc *.xsl *.cs $(CURDIR)/debian/asp.net-examples/usr/share/asp.net-demos/asp
 	cp -f debian/index.aspx $(CURDIR)/debian/asp.net-examples/usr/share/asp.net-demos/asp/
-	cp debian/web.config $(CURDIR)/debian/asp.net-examples/usr/share/asp.net-demos/asp
 	cd test && cp *.dll $(CURDIR)/debian/asp.net-examples/usr/share/asp.net-demos/asp/bin
 	rm -Rf $(CURDIR)/debian/asp.net-examples/usr/share/asp.net-demos/asp/monodoc.ashx
