[Pkg-mono-devel] Re: Timeframe for libapache2-mod-mono

Pablo Fischer pablo@pablo.com.mx
Tue, 21 Sep 2004 17:10:07 -0500

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El mar, 21-09-2004 a las 16:25, Sam Liddicott escribi=F3:
> Peter Magnusson wrote:
> > A description on how I did the setup can be found at=20
> > http://crippledcanary.nu/monoresources/howtos/HOWTO.libapache2-mod-mono
Ok, I added a new section to the website (pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org)
called: "ASP.NET Support in Debian" with a link to the how-to :-)

> <IfModule mod_mono.c>
>    MonoUnixSocket /tmp/.mod_mono_server
>    MonoServerPath /usr/share/dotnet/bin/mod-mono-server.exe
>    AddType application/x-asp-net .aspx .ashx .asmx .ascx .asax .config .a=
>    MonoApplicationsConfigDir /etc/mono-server
>    MonoPath /usr/share/dotnet/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/share/dotnet/lib:
> But the per-vhost stuff seems partial and over complicated.
> I got it to work with just this:

I know it's complicated :-(.
> In my vhost section I just have:
> <IfModule mod_mono.c>
>     AddHandler mono .aspx
> </IfModule>

Well, the reason of what I didn't added only that is:

1. Use a different UnixSocket (as Debian says, look .gdm_socket for
2. We keep our .exe's files in anoter directory, to prevent errors I
added the full path.
3. MonoApplicationConfigDir and MonoPath are very obvious of why I
declared them :-).

> It then seems to me that any .aspx files in my document root are handled=20
> by the mono-server that shares the same vhost name and document root. In=20
> fact because everything is so the same I wonder that it needs to be=20
> specified in debian.webapp at all and why mod_mono can't just tell it to=20
> mono-server when it makes the request?

Like you, I've been asking that to my self :(. I'm waiting the day
mod_mono will be easier as mod_php4.

> I did find what I think to be a bug in that in debian.webapp it seems=20
> that wildcard vhost take priority over any other webapp, even those that=20
> had specific matching vhost names AND even when the wildcard vhost did=20
> NOT MATCH on vpath !!! But if I set my vhost to the anything else like=20
> IP address then vhosting works fine.

I've tried with multiple .webapps, and there's another problem (that you
might find), mod_mono keeps the configuration in a 'cache' so..
sometimes you have modified your debian.webapp but mod_mono will still
reading an old one, with this I've found two solutions: If that happens,
move the socket to another place.. restart PC (just restarting apache
will not work).

See ya,
Pablo Fischer Sandoval (pablo [arroba/at] pablo.com.mx)
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