[Pkg-mono-devel] Errors in ASP.NET

Tomasz Rybak bogomips@post.pl
Wed, 22 Sep 2004 00:43:53 +0200

W li¶cie z wto, 21-09-2004, godz. 23:59, Pablo Fischer pisze: 
> El mar, 21-09-2004 a las 12:53, Tomasz Rybak escribió:
> > I installed XSP and apache2-mod-mono.
> Mom... why are you trying to install both?.. XSP is a standalone
> 'server' and mod_mono is a module for apache (another web server). Or
> are you trying to run mod-mono with XSP? (cause you can do this...)

XSP doesn't start at system startup. I installed it for quick checks, 
if I don't want to create Apache directory, etc., I just go to directory
with *.aspx, run xsp and can test. 

> > First - problems with XSP:
> > tomus@barad-dur:~$ cd /usr/share/asp.net-demos/asp/
> > tomus@barad-dur:/usr/share/asp.net-demos/asp$ xsp
> > xsp
> > Adding applications '/:.'...
> > Registering application:
> >     Host:          any
> >     Port:          any
> >     Virtual path:  /
> >     Physical path: /usr/share/asp.net-demos/asp
> > Listening on port: 8080
> > Listening on address:
> > Root directory: /usr/share/asp.net-demos/asp
> > Hit Return to stop the server.
> > 
> > Hitting Return doesn't do anything; I must press ^C to stop 
> > XSP.
> Funny :-). I think this is an upstream bug (report it:
> bugzilla.ximian.com).
> > I have another problem with XSP. I haven't configured it to start 
> > during system startup. When I try to run it like above, I cannot 
> > access examples, because index.aspx points at them as /samples/*.aspx, 
> > not as /*.aspx. I must run `xsp --applications /samples/:.`.
> > I tried to change xsp.exe.config (key MonoApplications), but 
> > it didn't help. I'm not sure how this can be done; I even don't 
> > think it's real bug; but it'd be nice to be able to run xsp without 
> > additional parameters.
> Uhm.... I don't have that problem and I can add it to init.d without
> problems, just using your friend: dpkg-reconfigure and answer the
> questions :-).

As I've written - I don't start XSP at boot. I suppose, that in that 
case everything would be all right.
> In my case, If I don't have it in rc{n}.d, I just need to run:
> /etc/init.d/mono-xsp start to start it.

That could be solution; I'll think about it :-).
> Will be nice to give more info :-)
> > 
> > Errors in examples:
> > datalist.aspx: no files Spain, Japan and Mexico. After clicking 
> > on any link, I get:
> > 
> > Server error in '/samples' application
> For this case, I'll take a look in xsp package and see if I'm missing
> some files in the asp.net-demo package, if I'm missing I'll rebuild it,
> if not... please report it in bugzilla.ximian.com

It looks like it's upstream error. In xsp-1.0.1.tar.gz, in directory 
test/, there is no such files.

> And uhm.. for next errors, I think we should test them and If we found
> errors we should report them in bugzilla.ximian.com


Tomasz Rybak <bogomips@post.pl>