[Pkg-mono-devel] Re: Timeframe for libapache2-mod-mono
Tomasz Rybak
Wed, 22 Sep 2004 18:54:41 +0200
W li¶cie z ¶ro, 22-09-2004, godz. 00:10, Pablo Fischer pisze:
> I've tried with multiple .webapps, and there's another problem (that you
> might find), mod_mono keeps the configuration in a 'cache' so..
> sometimes you have modified your debian.webapp but mod_mono will still
> reading an old one, with this I've found two solutions: If that happens,
> move the socket to another place.. restart PC (just restarting apache
> will not work).
Maybe (I haven't tested it) you can delete all from /tmp.
XSP and mod-mono create there directories <user-name>-temp-aspnet
and in these directories are *.dll and other files.
Tomasz Rybak <bogomips@post.pl>