[Pkg-mono-devel] Status of mod_mono (1.0.1)

Peter Magnusson petmag@crippledcanary.nu
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 09:27:35 +0200

Pablo Fischer wrote:

>I've uploaded a new pre-release of xsp (mono-apache-server, mono-xsp)
>The new feature is to support virtualhosts (fix that *, and replace it
>with localhost). I've tested it and now it's working with multiple
>I also added a another step to restart apache. Before it calls the
>'restart' action on the init.d script it will reload apache (reload
>sockets, modules, etc). I found that reloading apache before restarting
>was the solution of 'keeping in cache' the configuration of
>debian.webapps files.
>Also, after reading all the mails (in this ML) and seeing that asp.net
>samples are full of bugs I propose to ASP.NET Debian users to start
>developing a full set of ASP.NET samples using a nice CSS (to look like
>Debian website). So we (debian users) can have an updated
>asp.net-examples package :-). Comments?.
>See ya!
Should this be based upon the official mono testpage or should we build 
from scratch?
