[Pkg-mono-devel] Mono 1.1 preview packages

Philip Nelson panmanphil@yahoo.com
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 08:31:06 -0700 (PDT)

I was able to get the packages installed and build a simple application. For
anyone interested, I am running the agnula modified version of sarge and there
was only one conflict to resolve. Sqlite 3.2 is required for mono (why is
that?) but the version in sarge is 3.1 so that had to be forced. Other than
that so far my sarge install is fine for mono.

The earlier version of mono included nunit-console and the docs still seem to
say that's part of the distribution. Is this still to come, or is there a
package I've missed?

--- Mirco Bauer <meebey@meebey.net> wrote:
> Allright, here they are!
> The first public preview packages of Mono 1.1.6...
> Those packages also work with the other existing packages like
> monodevelop :) seems like my transition works like a charm... (thanks to
> Ingo Saitz aka Salz btw, he helped me with the transition code).
> Here the APT sources:
> deb http://debian.meebey.net/mono ./
> deb http://debian.meebey.net/cli-common ./
> go get them, test them, break them, report problems _here_
> thanks!
> More updated packages (following the MonoDebianPlan) are comming soon...
> Stay tuned ;)
> -- 
> Regards,
> Mirco 'meebey' Bauer
> PGP-Key:
> http://keyserver.noreply.org/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xEEF946C8
> Version: 3.12
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> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

Philip - http://blogs.xcskiwinn.org/panmanphil
"There's a difference between righteous anger and just being crabby" - Barbara