[Pkg-mono-devel] Packaging Mono programs

Mirco Bauer meebey at meebey.net
Sat Aug 13 22:35:00 UTC 2005


On Sat, 2005-08-13 at 22:58 +0200, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I am current evolution-sharp and beagle maintainer. While packaging
>  these some questions have arosen. I hope you can help.

I looked already at them, and I was going to make some suggestions, but
I don't remember them right now :-P

>  1. Do I need yo include those *glue* libraries generated when
>  compiling? In evolution-sharp it is not included in make install
>  target, but there are some that are included in beagle, so I am not
>  sure.

when the glue lib is not installed you will not need it. the glue libs
are not a good approach (100% managed C# code is better) but are used
sometimes to make a binding easier (easier for the C hacker I
guess :-P), speed reasons or problems within managed context, there are
limitations IMHO.
If beagle has some own glue libs, it's their choice to use/write them...
in general a glue lib is not needed at all.

>  2. Why if beagle needs libmono0 and sqlite no tool grab that and I have
>  to put that by hand? I mean, neither dh_shlibdeps nor dh_clideps detect
>  that beagle depend on this two programs and I have to add them to
>  Depends line. Also, I am surprised that no program depends on libmono0,
>  when it seems that it has to be installed for mono programs to work.

this sounds strange, but there are situations where the dependency
cannot be tracked. one cause is also broken or not existing clilibs (can
happen when dh_makeclilibs is and run could segv or do other unexpectedt
hings, please verify the buildlog).

libmono0 is not used by ANY CLI program and shouldn't its part of the
runtime, applications depend on mono-jit which is the runtime.

>  3. Which arches are supposed to work? This is not said in CLI policy
>  and I think that using Architecture: any is not a good idea if we know
>  that we're going to fail in a lot of arches.

This will get an own section in the policy soon, currently i386 ppc and
amd64 are supported by debian's mono, upstream has also support for s390
which we do see as stable enough (yet).
But in all cases use "Architecture: any" what archs compile and what
will be limited by the mono supported architectures, let the buildd
system go figure out what build-deps can be fulfilled and what not...
only in special situations like bindings for different archs the
architecture should be limited.
Arch any is only required when native binaries/library (.so) are in the
package, CIL assemblies (*.exe and *.dll) are architecture independ and
should be arch all.

>  Thanks
> P.D: Please CC me. I am not yet subscribed to the list.

Mirco 'meebey' Bauer


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