[Pkg-mono-devel] mod-mono for apache2

Sven Lankes lankes at megabit.net
Mon Aug 22 13:48:23 UTC 2005


I am trying to get mod-mono to work on a sid installation.

I have installed the mono-packages from sid and libapache2-mod-mono
from http://debian.pablo.com.mx/ and while they do install fine 
calling a mono-webservice only results in an "Internal Server Error"
from apache - I cannot even find a place to look for debugging

mod-mono-server.exe does get started and using xsp the webservice works

Is this supposed to work? Should I rather revert to running xsp standalone
with apache proxying the pages or is there hope of getting this to work?

mfg sven lankes
megabit informationstechnik

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