[Pkg-mono-devel] Debian Sarge, Cannot install monodevelop

Alexander Wirt formorer at formorer.de
Sun Nov 6 18:27:50 UTC 2005

Juraj Kubelka schrieb am Sonntag, den 06. November 2005:

> Hi All,
> I cannot install monodevelop package from backports for Debian Stable
> (sarge) because of unmet dependencies. May I ask you for help? Is it
> my fault or some problems with repository? It is look like some
> mistakes in package dependencies.
There is a bug in boo which prevents me from updating the backport correctly. 
Until this is fixed I can't update mono-develop. I'm sorry. I currently don't
have the time to fix it on my own. If you have time check the ftbfs on boo.
After that I can update. 


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