[Pkg-mono-devel] HTTP error 500 when using libapache2-mod-mono and mod-apache-server

Dylan R. E. Moonfire d.moonfire at mfgames.com
Thu Sep 8 20:39:11 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 16:37 -0400, Matt Petteys wrote:
> Quoting "Dylan R. E. Moonfire" <d.moonfire at mfgames.com>:
> Well I tried shutting down apache2, starting the mono-server from the command
> line, starting apache2, sending a request via HTTP..  And i received a couple
> of error messages from the STDOUT of the mod-mono-server..  I found some
> references to the last one of these errors on some other sites which seem to
> suggest it is caused by version mis-matches between mono, libapache-mod-mono,
> and mono-apache-server?  Anyone else have any ideas?
> Dylan, let me know when you have the new version packaged and I will try it out.

I'm actually asking for feedback on it, the apt sources are below.

> william:/tmp# /usr/bin/mono /usr/share/dotnet/bin/mod-mono-server.exe --filename
> /tmp/.mod_mono_server --nonstop --appconfigdir /etc/mono-server
> mod-mono-server
> Listening on: /tmp/.mod_mono_server
> Root directory: /tmp
> In ModMonoWorker.Run: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
> william:/tmp# /usr/bin/mono /usr/share/dotnet/bin/mod-mono-server.exe --filename
> /tmp/.mod_mono_server --nonstop --appconfigdir /etc/mono-server
> mod-mono-server
> Listening on: /tmp/.mod_mono_server
> Root directory: /tmp
> In ModMonoWorker.Run: Abnormal string size.
> Parameter name: size

deb http://mfgames.com/debian unstable main
deb-src http://mfgames.com/debian unstable main

The PGP key is on the keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net as 2648B8A0, I
believe. That is if you want to avoid the silly message that sid's apt
seems to have.

And, if they are tied that closely together, I might update my package
to require a specific version only of mod-mono verses the apache server,
just to make sure they stay in sync.


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