[Pkg-mono-devel] Re: mono-apache-server2 packaging

Fernando Lucas Rodríguez fernandolucas at ieee.org
Wed Jan 4 15:07:56 UTC 2006

D. Moonfire wrote:

Now generates OK,  :) but a pair of comments:
MonoPath /usr/lib/mono/2.0:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/mono/2.0

/usr/lib/mono/2.0 is repeated !!!!
any special reason or a minor bug?

Also mono-server2-update could be run automatically by post install
script. It should be always auto generated by the script and in a
consistent environment running twice (last user update) and during
package reinstall, no side-effect should arise... only generation bugs
will be corrected and on clean install, .aspx pages would be serverd
only restarting apache...

> Fernando Lucas Rodríguez wrote:
>>> Hi Mr Pablo Fisher...
>>> I am using the following apt sources...
>>> deb http://debian.meebey.net/ ./
>>> deb http://mfgames.com/debian   unstable        main
>>> If those changes are not applied mod_mono does not works properly
>>> Yours
>>> Fernando
> I just updated the version to 0pre3 which has a corrected version. Would
> you be willing to check it out and tell me if it works properly?
> These are on the "mfgames.com" APT repository. Cheers!
> Cheers,
> Dylan
> --
> Moonfire Games - http://mfgames.com/

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