[Pkg-mono-devel] Help needed in gnome-subtitles package

Mirco Bauer meebey at debian.org
Thu Jun 19 21:34:28 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-06-19 at 10:45 -0200, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote:
> Hi Mirco,
> Since last time we talked I didn't have much progress with
> gnome-subtitles and sublib packages. I'm in a hard-work-moment in my
> organization and don't know when I could dedicate enough time for these
> packages again.
> So, I'm asking for help. I would like to give to the pkg-cli-{apps|libs}
> these packages, and if you agree I ask to keep me as co-maintainer. I'm
> sure I'll be back to the Debian life in the future.

Sure, I will review the current stuff and do some enhances when I see
the need.

gnome-subtitles is a secret popular mono application, so it should get
some extra love :)

> I put the sources in:
> svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-cli-libs/packages/sublib
> svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/gnome-subtitles

Great, I will check those out.

> Could you please forward this message to the teams and give me a
> feedback about this?


If anyone on this list and/or team has some extra interest in the
gnome-subtitles package, please stand up now and choose your destiny! :)

> Regards,

Mirco 'meebey' Bauer

PGP-Key ID: 0xEEF946C8

FOSS Developer    meebey at meebey.net  http://www.meebey.net/
PEAR Developer    meebey at php.net     http://pear.php.net/
Debian Developer  meebey at debian.org  http://www.debian.org/
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