[Pkg-mono-devel] CLI packaging: glue module location?

Steve M. Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Fri Apr 10 04:07:19 UTC 2009


I'm wondering where to install a shared lib associated with a library
assembly.  Specifically, gdcm is a C++ library wrapped using swig to
produce a C# interface.  Swig generates a bunch of .cs files that are
compiled to produce the assembly and, additionally, some glue code
compiled into a shared lib (.so).

The shared lib is not intended as a link library so it shouldn't
really be in /usr/lib but, rather, in a directory that all cli-based
programs have in their library path.  For example, similar glue code
modules for python modules can be placed in
/usr/lib/pymodules/pythonX.Y.  Is there such a directory for C#?  I
had a look at the CLI Policy document [1] but did not see any suitable


[1] http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/cli-policy/

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