[Pkg-mono-svn-commits] rev 1499 - xsp/trunk/debian
Pablo Fischer
Sun, 12 Dec 2004 10:46:56 -0700
Author: pabl0-guest
Date: 2004-12-12 10:46:42 -0700 (Sun, 12 Dec 2004)
New Revision: 1499
update script was not doing a successful restart, I hope that with this the problem can be fixed
Modified: xsp/trunk/debian/changelog
--- xsp/trunk/debian/changelog 2004-12-12 15:20:20 UTC (rev 1498)
+++ xsp/trunk/debian/changelog 2004-12-12 17:46:42 UTC (rev 1499)
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-xsp (1.0.4-0pre1) unstable; urgency=low
+xsp (1.0.4-0pre2) unstable; urgency=low
* NEW upstream release
* Pablo Fischer
+ + Apache was not doing a successful restart
+ xsp should create his own chroot (SHARED_DIR) (closes: #259163)
+ update-mono-server.conf is a symlink of mono-server-update.conf,
but the package name will be the same (closes: #263954)
Modified: xsp/trunk/debian/mono-server-update.conf
--- xsp/trunk/debian/mono-server-update.conf 2004-12-12 15:20:20 UTC (rev 1498)
+++ xsp/trunk/debian/mono-server-update.conf 2004-12-12 17:46:42 UTC (rev 1499)
@@ -96,12 +96,18 @@
if(("$new_md5" ne "$orig_md5") && ($restart eq "yes")) {
if(( -f $daemon ) && ( -f $daemon_pid )) {
- system("$daemon reload");
- system("$daemon restart");
+ system("$daemon stop");
+ system("$daemon start");
+# system("$daemon reload");
+# system("$daemon restart");
if(( -f $daemon2 ) && ( -f $daemon2_pid )) {
- system("$daemon2 reload");
- system("$daemon2 restart");
+ system("$daemon2 stop");
+ system("$daemon2 start");
+# system("$daemon2 reload");
+# system("$daemon2 restart");