[Pkg-mono-svn-commits] rev 244 - mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian
Eduard Bloch
Sun, 15 Feb 2004 11:52:19 +0100
Author: blade
Date: 2004-02-15 11:52:18 +0100 (Sun, 15 Feb 2004)
New Revision: 244
Added an unfinished version of the library package resolver
Modified: mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian/changelog
--- mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian/changelog 2004-02-15 05:12:49 UTC (rev 243)
+++ mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian/changelog 2004-02-15 10:52:18 UTC (rev 244)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
mono (0.30-0pre1v1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
+ * SONAME wokraround for libgstreamer-0.6.so.1
-- Eduard Bloch <blade@debian.org> Sat, 14 Feb 2004 15:02:47 +0100
Added: mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian/dh_mono
--- mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian/dh_mono 2004-02-15 05:12:49 UTC (rev 243)
+++ mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian/dh_mono 2004-02-15 10:52:18 UTC (rev 244)
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_dotnet - calculates .NET dependencies
+use strict;
+use File::Find;
+eval 'use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib';
+print "You need to install the debhelper package in order to use this program!" if $@;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+FIXME: document debian/mono.local
+B<dh_python> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<-V> I<version>] [S<I<module dirs ...>>]
+dh_python is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the
+${python:Depends} substitutions and adding them to substvars files. It
+will also add a postinst and a prerm script if required.
+The program will look at python scripts and modules in your package, and
+will use this information to generate a dependency on python, with the
+current major version, or on pythonX.Y if your scripts or modules need a
+specific python version. The dependency will be substituted into your
+package's control file wherever you place the token "${python:Depends}".
+If some modules need to be byte-compiled at install time, appropriate
+postinst and prerm scripts will be generated. If already byte-compiled
+modules are found, they are removed.
+If you use this program, your package should build-depend on python.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item I<module dirs>
+If your package installs python modules in non-standard directories, you
+can make dh_python check those directories by passing their names on the
+command line. By default, it will check /usr/lib/site-python,
+/usr/lib/$PACKAGE, /usr/share/$PACKAGE, /usr/lib/games/$PACKAGE,
+/usr/share/games/$PACKAGE and /usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages.
+Note: only /usr/lib/site-python, /usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages and the
+extra names on the command line are searched for binary (.so) modules.
+=item B<-V> I<version>
+If the .py files your package ships are meant to be used by a specific
+pythonX.Y version, you can set this option with the desired X.Y python
+Do not use if you ship modules in /usr/lib/site-python.
+=item B<-n>, B<--noscripts>
+Do not modify postinst/postrm scripts.
+Debian policy, version 3.5.7
+Python policy, version 0.3.7
+my $cli = '/usr/bin/cli';
+# The current python major version
+# my $python_major;
+my $mono_version = `$cli -V 2>&1`;
+if (!-x "/usr/bin/monodis") {
+ error("Package mono-utils is not installed, aborting. (Probably forgot to Build-Depend on mono-utils.)");
+if(system "grep \"Build-Dep.*mono-utils\" debian/control") {
+ print "Warning: no Build-Depends on mono-utils!\n";
+if (! defined $mono_version || $mono_version eq "") {
+ error("Mono is not installed, aborting. (Probably forgot to
+ Build-Depend on cli-virtual-machine.)");
+elsif ($python_version =~ /(mint|version)\ ([\d\.]+)/) {
+ $mono_version = "$2" ;
+} else {
+ error("Unable to parse Mono version out of \"$mono_version\".");
+# The next python version
+#my $python_nextversion = $python_version + 0.1;
+#my $python_nextmajor = $python_major + 1;
+#my @python_allversions = ('1.5','2.1','2.2','2.3');
+#foreach (@python_allversions) {
+# s/^/python/;
+# Check for -V
+my $usemono = $mono_version;
+if($dh{V_FLAG_SET}) {
+ $usemono = $dh{V_FLAG};
+# Cleaning the paths given on the command line
+foreach (@ARGV) {
+ s#/$##;
+ s#^/##;
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my %deps;
+ my %libs;
+ delsubstvar($package, "mono:Depends"); # for idempotency
+ # find binaries
+ find sub {
+ my $vers;
+ return unless -f and (-x or /\.(pl|dll)$/);
+ local *F;
+ return unless open F, "monodis $_|";
+ while(<F>) {
+ $vers=$1 if /Version=(.*)\n/;
+ $libs{$1}=$vers if /Name=(.*)\n/;
+ }
+ close F;
+ }, $tmp;
+ if (%libs) {
+ foreach $lib (keys %libs) {
+ my $kand;
+ if(!$kand) {
+ my $l;
+ open($l, "<debian/mono.local");
+ # FIXME: construct a parser that saves the exact information for
+ # fooBar.dll: PkgName (>=><< versioninfo)
+ $kand = `grep $lib.dll debian/mono.local`
+ }
+ $kand = `dlocate /usr/lib/$lib.dll || dpkg -S /usr/lib/$lib.dll`;
+ $kand = `dlocate $lib.dll | grep /usr/share/dotnet` unless $kand;
+ $kand = `dpkg -S $lib.dll | grep /usr/share/dotnet` unless $kand;
+ print "Warning, $lib.dll not found on this system or in debian/mono.local!\n";
+ $kand =~ /^([^:]+)/;
+ $deps{$1} = 0;
+ }
+ foreach $pkg (keys %libs) {
+ ($version) = `dpkg -s $perl` =~ /^Version:\s*(\S+)/m
+ unless $ignoreversions;
+ }
+# my $version="";
+# if ($deps & XS_MODULE or $dh{V_FLAG_SET}) {
+# ($version) = `dpkg -s $perl` =~ /^Version:\s*(\S+)/m
+# unless $version;
+# $version = ">= $version";
+# }
+# elsif ($deps & PM_MODULE) {
+# $version = ">= $min_version";
+## }
+# # no need to depend on an un-versioned perl-base -- it's
+# # essential
+# addsubstvar($package, "perl:Depends", $perl, $version)
+# unless $perl eq 'perl-base' && ! length($version);
+# # add perlapi-<ver> for XS modules
+# addsubstvar($package, "perl:Depends", "perlapi-$Config{version}")
+# if $deps & XS_MODULE;
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Brendan O'Dea <bod@debian.org>
Property changes on: mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian/dh_mono
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Modified: mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian/rules
--- mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian/rules 2004-02-15 05:12:49 UTC (rev 243)
+++ mono/branches/experimental/trunk/debian/rules 2004-02-15 10:52:18 UTC (rev 244)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
dh_link -s
install -m644 -D debian/lintian debian/mono/usr/share/lintian/overrides/mono
# the SONAMEs fix
- perl -pe 's/-0.dll(.*)\.so/-0.dll$$1.so.0/' -i debian/mono-common/etc/mono/config
+ perl -pe 's/-0.dll(.*)\.so/-0.dll$$1.so.0/; s/libgstreamer-0.6.so/libgstreamer-0.6.so.0/;' -i debian/mono-common/etc/mono/config
# cd debian; for s in *.shlibs.in ; do sed -e "s/_VERSION_/$(VERSION)/g" < $$s | tee $${s%%.in} | tee $${s%%.shlibs.in}/DEBIAN/shlibs >> shlibs.local ; done
# cd debian; for s in *.shlibs.in ; do sed -e "s/_VERSION_/$(VERSION)/g" < $$s | tee $${s%%.in} >> shlibs.local ; done
dh_installchangelogs -s