[Pkg-mono-svn-commits] [SCM] xsp branch, master, updated. debian/2.6.5-3-42-g87885a0

Jo Shields directhex at apebox.org
Mon Mar 28 08:00:18 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit ab2389ba4a66851ea9c6f5d59d00e10d396cc36f
Author: Jo Shields <directhex at apebox.org>
Date:   Mon Mar 28 01:08:53 2011 +0100

    Replace mono-xsp1 with mono-xsp4

diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.README.Debian b/debian/mono-xsp1.README.Debian
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b124cd..0000000
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.README.Debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-xsp for Debian
-The mono-xsp package contains a standalone WebServer to run ASP.NET, developed
-by the Mono hackers, it should run in port 8080 or 8081, the scripts detects which port
-to use.
-For example, if you have a mail proxy (or http proxy) using 8080 it should run in 8081.
-To change the port, you need to kill your http/mail proxy or move them to other port, and then
-reconfigure xsp as root:
-# dpkg-reconfigure mono-xsp
-The way that xsp manage the /alias (virtual hosts) is like exim does. We have a directory in 
-/etc called xsp, inside it we have a conf.d directory, were we have directories for each 
-For example, we have monodoc-http, so we have:
-/etc/xsp 		<- Mono XSP Config Dir
-/etc/xsp/conf.d 	<- Mono XSP VirtualHosts Config Directories
-/etc/xsp/conf.d/monodoc <- MonoDoc Config Files for XSP
-Every file is marked by a number, an underscore and the alias name, for example:
-If you want to install a new virtualhost to XSP, you just need to apt-get it, and if 
-XSP is running it should be started normally, if it's the first virtualhost and you configured
-mono-xsp to be started automatically it will start xsp by default.
-If you configured mono-xsp to NOT be started automatically, you should start mono-xsp manually:
-/etc/init.d/mono-xsp start
-Also, if you are installing YOUR OWN VirtualHost, you should use mono-xsp-admin.conf (and also the manpage)
-NOTE: In some cases you can find that /etc/mono-server|/etc/xsp exists with other virtualhosts and you  
-don't have mono-server|mono-xsp installed, don't get in panic, some virtualhosts installs host configuration 
-files in both server (xsp and mono-server).
-Happy Hacking
- -- Pablo Fischer <pablo at pablo.com.mx>, Mon, 15 Mar 2004 18:52:30 -0600
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.dirs b/debian/mono-xsp1.dirs
deleted file mode 100644
index a41de37..0000000
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.install b/debian/mono-xsp1.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d01f89..0000000
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-debian/mono-xsp-update	/usr/sbin/
-debian/mono-xsp-admin	/usr/sbin/
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.manpages b/debian/mono-xsp1.manpages
deleted file mode 100644
index b6ec4e9..0000000
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.manpages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.postinst b/debian/mono-xsp1.postinst
deleted file mode 100644
index a164dec..0000000
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-db_version 2.0
-DESC="XSP 1.1 WebServer"
-update_port() {
-    db_get xsp/xsp_port || true
-    R=$RET
-    echo "Using Mono XSP 1.1 port: $R"
-    sed "s/port=.*/port=$R/g" $xsp_default > $tempfile
-    cp $tempfile $xsp_default
-update_bind() {
-    db_get xsp/xsp_bind || true
-    R=$RET
-    echo "Binding Mono XSP 1.1 address: $R"
-    sed "s/address=.*/address=$R/g" $xsp_default > $tempfile
-    cp $tempfile $xsp_default
-should_start() {
-    if [ -e $xsp_default ]; then
-	. $xsp_default
-        if [ "$start_boot" != "true" ]; then
-	    return 1
-        fi
-    else
-        echo "mono-xsp1: Not started, you need a valid and complete $xsp_default"
-        return 1
-    fi
-    if [ ! -e $VIRTUALFILE -o `cat $VIRTUALFILE | wc -l` = "2" ]; then
-	echo "mono-xsp1: Not started, you need asp.net-examples/monodoc-http or an ASP.NET application"
-	return 1
-    fi 
-    if [ -f /var/run/$NAME.pid ]; then
-	# Are we really running xsp?
-	xsp_pid=`cat /var/run/$NAME.pid`
-	xsp_ps=`ps -p $xsp_pid | wc -l`
-	if [ "$xsp_ps" != "2" ]; then
-	    return 0
-	else
-	    return 1
-	fi
-    else
-	return 1
-    fi
-    return 1
-case "$1" in
-    configure)
-	tempfile=$(/bin/tempfile)
-	# Configure autostart, but don't prevent the init script
-	# from starting it manually.
-	autostart="true"
-	db_get xsp/xsp_autostart || true
-	if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then	    
-	    if [ -x "/etc/init.d/mono-xsp1" ]; then
-		update-rc.d mono-xsp1 defaults > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
-	    fi
-	else
-	    update-rc.d -f mono-xsp1 remove > /dev/null 2>&1  || true
-	fi
-	# If default file exists, configure the port and address
-	if [ -f $xsp_default ]; then
-	    update_port
-	    update_bind
-	fi
-	mono-xsp-update
-	if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
-	    if should_start -a $autostart = "true" ; then
-		if which invoke-rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-		    invoke-rc.d mono-xsp1 start
-		else
-		    /etc/init.d/mono-xsp1 start
-		fi
-	    fi
-	fi
-	rm $tempfile
-	;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.postrm b/debian/mono-xsp1.postrm
deleted file mode 100644
index 771ca2b..0000000
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.postrm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
-	rm -f /etc/xsp/debian.webapp
-	#update-rc.d
-	update-rc.d -f mono-xsp1 remove > /dev/null 2>&1
-exit 0
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.preinst b/debian/mono-xsp1.preinst
deleted file mode 100644
index b9914d8..0000000
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.preinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-DESC="XSP 1.1 WebServer"
-case "$1" in
-    upgrade|install)
-	if [ -f /etc/init.d/mono-xsp1 ]; then
-	    if which invoke-rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-		invoke-rc.d mono-xsp1 stop
-	    else
-		/etc/init.d/mono-xsp1 stop
-	    fi
-	fi
-	;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.prerm b/debian/mono-xsp1.prerm
deleted file mode 100644
index ffda79c..0000000
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.prerm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-DESC="XSP 1.1 WebServer"
-#0 : false
-#1 : true
-should_stop() {
-    if [ -f /var/run/$NAME.pid ]; then
-	# Are we really running xsp?
-	xsp_pid=`cat /var/run/$NAME.pid`
-	xsp_ps=`ps -p $xsp_pid | wc -l`
-	# Are there any process running by that pid?
-	if [ "$xsp_ps" = "2" ]; then
-	    return 0
-	else
-	    return 1
-	fi
-    fi  
-    return 0
-case "$1" in
-    remove)
-	# should we stop the server?
-	if should_stop ; then
-	    if which invoke-rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-		invoke-rc.d mono-xsp1 stop
-	    else
-		/etc/init.d/mono-xsp1 stop
-	    fi
-	fi
-	;;
-    esac
-exit 0
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp4.README.Debian b/debian/mono-xsp4.README.Debian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7802016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.README.Debian
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+xsp4 for Debian
+The mono-xsp4 package contains a standalone WebServer to run ASP.NET, developed
+by the Mono hackers, it should run in port 8080 or 8081, the scripts detects which port
+to use.
+For example, if you have a mail proxy (or http proxy) using 8080 it should run in 8081.
+To change the port, you need to kill your http/mail proxy or move them to other port, and then
+reconfigure xsp4 as root:
+# dpkg-reconfigure mono-xsp4
+The way that xsp4 manage the /alias (virtual hosts) is like exim does. We have a directory in 
+/etc called xsp4, inside it we have a conf.d directory, were we have directories for each 
+For example, we have monodoc-http, so we have:
+/etc/xsp4 		<- Mono XSP 4 Config Dir
+/etc/xsp4/conf.d 	<- Mono XSP 4 VirtualHosts Config Directories
+/etc/xsp4/conf.d/monodoc <- MonoDoc Config Files for XSP 4
+Every file is marked by a number, an underscore and the alias name, for example:
+If you want to install a new virtualhost to XSP 4, you just need to apt-get it, and if 
+XSP 4 is running it should be started normally, if it's the first virtualhost and you configured
+mono-xsp4 to be started automatically it will start xsp4 by default.
+If you configured mono-xsp4 to NOT be started automatically, you should start mono-xsp4 manually:
+/etc/init.d/mono-xsp4 start
+Also, if you are installing YOUR OWN VirtualHost, you should use mono-xsp4-admin (and also the manpage)
+NOTE: In some cases you can find that /etc/mono-server|/etc/xsp4 exists with other virtualhosts and you  
+don't have mono-server|mono-xsp4 installed, don't get in panic, some virtualhosts installs host configuration 
+files in both server (xsp4 and mono-server).
+Happy Hacking
+ -- Pablo Fischer <pablo at pablo.com.mx>, Mon, 15 Mar 2004 18:52:30 -0600
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.config b/debian/mono-xsp4.config
similarity index 71%
rename from debian/mono-xsp1.config
rename to debian/mono-xsp4.config
index 2dafccb..4efc05b 100755
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.config
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.config
@@ -4,20 +4,20 @@
 . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
 db_version 2.0
 db_capb backup
-db_title XSP WebServer
+db_title XSP4 WebServer
 # Autostart
 while [ "$STATE"  != 0 -a "$STATE" != 2 ]; do
     case "$STATE" in
-	    db_input medium xsp/xsp_autostart || true
+	    db_input medium xsp4/xsp4_autostart || true
 	    if db_go; then
-		db_get xsp/xsp_autostart || true
+		db_get xsp4/xsp4_autostart || true
 		if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
-		    db_set  xsp/xsp_autostart false || true
+		    db_set  xsp4/xsp4_autostart false || true
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ STATE=1
 while [ "$STATE"  != 0 -a "$STATE" != 2 ]; do
     case "$STATE" in
-	    db_input medium xsp/xsp_bind || true
+	    db_input medium xsp4/xsp4_bind || true
 	    if db_go; then
-		db_get xsp/xsp_bind || true
+		db_get xsp4/xsp4_bind || true
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ STATE=1
 while [ "$STATE"  != 0 -a "$STATE" != 2 ]; do
     case "$STATE" in
-	    db_input medium xsp/xsp_port || true
+	    db_input medium xsp4/xsp4_port || true
 	    if db_go; then
-		db_get xsp/xsp_port || true
+		db_get xsp4/xsp4_port || true
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.default b/debian/mono-xsp4.default
similarity index 58%
rename from debian/mono-xsp1.default
rename to debian/mono-xsp4.default
index 539582b..f334af7 100644
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.default
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.default
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Defaults for mono-xsp, official version
-# sourced by /etc/init.d/mono-xsp
+# Defaults for mono-xsp4, official version
+# sourced by /etc/init.d/mono-xsp4
 # Should we start it?
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ user=www-data
 # Default port
 # Directory for config files
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp4.dirs b/debian/mono-xsp4.dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0c29f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.dirs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.docs b/debian/mono-xsp4.docs
similarity index 100%
rename from debian/mono-xsp1.docs
rename to debian/mono-xsp4.docs
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.init b/debian/mono-xsp4.init
similarity index 73%
rename from debian/mono-xsp1.init
rename to debian/mono-xsp4.init
index 47b3edd..b6ec20e 100755
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.init
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.init
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 #! /bin/sh
-# Provides:          mono-xsp
+# Provides:          mono-xsp4
 # Required-Start:    $remote_fs
 # Required-Stop:     $remote_fs
 # Should-Start:      
 # Should-Stop:
 # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
 # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
-# Short-Description: Mono XSP
-# Description:       Debian init script for Mono XSP.
+# Short-Description: Mono XSP4
+# Description:       Debian init script for Mono XSP4.
 # Written by Pablo Fischer <pablo at pablo.com.mx>
 #            Dylan R. E. Moonfire <debian at mfgames.com>
 # Modified for Debian GNU/Linux
-# Version:	@(#)mono-xsp pablo at pablo.com.mx
+# Version:	@(#)mono-xsp4 pablo at pablo.com.mx
 # Variables
-DESC="XSP 1.1 WebServer"
+DESC="XSP 4.0 WebServer"
@@ -41,23 +41,23 @@ if [ "x$start_boot" != "xtrue" ] ; then
 if [ ! -e $MONO_SHARED_DIR ]; then
+	mkdir $MONO_SHARED_DIR   
 	chown $user:$group $MONO_SHARED_DIR
 should_start() {
     if [ ! -e $VIRTUALFILE -o `cat $VIRTUALFILE | wc -l` = "2" ]; then
 	log_action_msg "You have an incomplete $VIRTUALFILE"
-	log_action_msg "To fix it, you need to install at least one package for xsp (like asp.net-examples)"	
+	log_action_msg "To fix it, you need to install at least one package for xsp4 (like asp.net-examples)"	
 	return 1
     if [ -f /var/run/$NAME.pid ]; then
-	# Are we really running xsp?
-	xsp_pid=`cat /var/run/$NAME.pid`
-	xsp_ps=`ps -p $xsp_pid | wc -l`
-	if [ "$xsp_ps" != "1" ]; then
-	    log_action_msg "Sorry, there is already a xsp running, stop it first"
+	# Are we really running xsp4?
+	xsp4_pid=`cat /var/run/$NAME.pid`
+	xsp4_ps=`ps -p $xsp4_pid | wc -l`
+	if [ "$xsp4_ps" != "1" ]; then
+	    log_action_msg "Sorry, there is already a xsp4 running, stop it first"
 	    return 1		
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ case "$1" in
-        log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
-        for i in $(ps aux | grep -v grep | grep 'xsp.exe' | cut -c 10-15)
+	log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
+        for i in $(ps aux | grep -v grep | grep 'xsp4.exe' | cut -c 10-15)
                 kill $i > /dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp4.install b/debian/mono-xsp4.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1140788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.install
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+debian/mono-xsp4-update	/usr/sbin/
+debian/mono-xsp4-admin	/usr/sbin/
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp4.manpages b/debian/mono-xsp4.manpages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f112e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.manpages
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp4.postinst b/debian/mono-xsp4.postinst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53f08c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+set -e
+. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
+db_version 2.0
+DESC="XSP 4 WebServer"
+update_port() {
+    db_get xsp4/xsp4_port || true
+    R=$RET
+    echo "Using Mono XSP 4 port: $R"
+    sed "s/port=.*/port=$R/g" $xsp4_default > $tempfile
+    cp -f $tempfile $xsp4_default
+update_bind() {
+    db_get xsp4/xsp4_bind || true
+    R=$RET
+    echo "Binding Mono XSP 4 address: $R"
+    sed "s/address=.*/address=$R/g" $xsp4_default > $tempfile
+    cp -f $tempfile $xsp4_default
+should_start() {
+    if [ -e $xsp4_default ]; then
+	. $xsp4_default
+        if [ "$start_boot" != "true" ]; then
+	    return 1
+        fi
+    else
+        echo "mono-xsp4: Not started, you need a valid and complete $xsp4_default"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if [ ! -e $VIRTUALFILE -o `cat $VIRTUALFILE | wc -l` = "2" ]; then
+	echo "mono-xsp4: Not started, you need asp.net-examples/monodoc-http or an ASP.NET application"
+	return 1
+    fi 
+    if [ -f /var/run/$NAME.pid ]; then
+	# Are we really running xsp4?
+	xsp4_pid=`cat /var/run/$NAME.pid`
+	xsp4_ps=`ps -p $xsp4_pid | wc -l`
+	if [ "$xsp4_ps" != "2" ]; then
+	    return 0
+	else
+	    return 1
+	fi
+    else
+	return 1
+    fi
+    return 1
+case "$1" in
+    configure)
+	tempfile=$(/bin/tempfile)
+	# Configure autostart, but don't prevent the init script
+	# from starting it manually.
+	autostart="true"
+	db_get xsp4/xsp4_autostart || true
+	if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then	    
+	    if [ -x "/etc/init.d/mono-xsp4" ]; then
+		update-rc.d mono-xsp4 defaults > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
+	    fi
+	else
+	    update-rc.d -f mono-xsp4 remove > /dev/null 2>&1  || true
+	fi
+	# If default file exists, configure the port and address
+	if [ -f $xsp4_default ]; then
+	    update_port
+	    update_bind
+	fi
+	mono-xsp4-update
+	if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
+	    if should_start -a $autostart = "true" ; then
+		if which invoke-rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+		    invoke-rc.d mono-xsp4 start
+		else
+		    /etc/init.d/mono-xsp4 start
+		fi
+	    fi
+	fi
+	rm $tempfile
+	;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp2.postrm b/debian/mono-xsp4.postrm
similarity index 53%
copy from debian/mono-xsp2.postrm
copy to debian/mono-xsp4.postrm
index 9023f63..9be2771 100644
--- a/debian/mono-xsp2.postrm
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.postrm
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 set -e
 if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
-	rm -f /etc/xsp2/debian.webapp
+	rm -f /etc/xsp4/debian.webapp
 	# purge init.d script
-	update-rc.d -f mono-xsp2 remove > /dev/null 2>&1
+	update-rc.d -f mono-xsp4 remove > /dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp2.preinst b/debian/mono-xsp4.preinst
similarity index 60%
copy from debian/mono-xsp2.preinst
copy to debian/mono-xsp4.preinst
index 2cd1997..e61c879 100644
--- a/debian/mono-xsp2.preinst
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.preinst
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 set -e
 DESC="XSP WebServer"
 case "$1" in
-	if [ -f /etc/init.d/mono-xsp2 ]; then
+	if [ -f /etc/init.d/mono-xsp4 ]; then
 	    if which invoke-rc.d > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-		invoke-rc.d mono-xsp2 stop
+		invoke-rc.d mono-xsp4 stop
-		/etc/init.d/mono-xsp2 stop
+		/etc/init.d/mono-xsp4 stop
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp2.preinst b/debian/mono-xsp4.prerm
similarity index 60%
copy from debian/mono-xsp2.preinst
copy to debian/mono-xsp4.prerm
index 2cd1997..e61c879 100644
--- a/debian/mono-xsp2.preinst
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.prerm
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 set -e
 DESC="XSP WebServer"
 case "$1" in
-	if [ -f /etc/init.d/mono-xsp2 ]; then
+	if [ -f /etc/init.d/mono-xsp4 ]; then
 	    if which invoke-rc.d > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-		invoke-rc.d mono-xsp2 stop
+		invoke-rc.d mono-xsp4 stop
-		/etc/init.d/mono-xsp2 stop
+		/etc/init.d/mono-xsp4 stop
diff --git a/debian/mono-xsp1.templates b/debian/mono-xsp4.templates
similarity index 54%
rename from debian/mono-xsp1.templates
rename to debian/mono-xsp4.templates
index 11ee788..d082578 100644
--- a/debian/mono-xsp1.templates
+++ b/debian/mono-xsp4.templates
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-Template: xsp/xsp_autostart
+Template: xsp4/xsp4_autostart
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Start on boot?
- If this is true, then XSP will automatically start when the computer
+ If this is true, then XSP4 will automatically start when the computer
  is turned on.
-Template: xsp/xsp_bind
+Template: xsp4/xsp4_bind
 Type: string
 _Description: Bind to address:
- To function properly, XSP needs to be bound to an IP address. The
+ To function properly, XSP4 needs to be bound to an IP address. The
  default ("") binds to all addresses of the server, but a
- specific port can be selected. To use XSP only locally, use
+ specific port can be selected. To use XSP4 only locally, use
  "" for the address.
-Template: xsp/xsp_port
+Template: xsp4/xsp4_port
 Type: string
-Default: 8081
+Default: 8084
 _Description: Bind to port:
  XSP is bound to a specific port on the server. Common values are 80,
  8080, or 8081.


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